Fascinating and enlightening to boot. I was well aware of the Rothschild influence however, I was ignorant to the backstory/history of how the family came to be, starting with Herr Bauer and ultimately the name change. I applaud your dedication and research to share with others the threads that make up the cabal and how deep the roots are throughout our society. When one sits back and reads this and the other behind the curtain stories, the current events going on make much more sense in the quest for power, control, and money. I especially liked your explanation of race, religion, and politics when explaining Semites, Hebrew, and Zionist. Thank you and I look forward to the next chapter.

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I am thoroughly enjoying these articles! I listen to them while I’m walking outside....makes the time go by faster.

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Good series. By the way, there is a typo you may want to correct in the paragraph that says young Schiff married into the Loeb family. It should be “1875” not “1975”...

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Nice catch, thanks!

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Thank you Ryan!

Thank goodness the Rothschilds are going down!

FYI- the attached.



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God is the Truth.

Reject the inverted thought system of the ego. Embrace the Truth you were Created out of Love by God OF God and like God. You Share His Awareness, His Imagination, His Will and and His Mind and those things are the requisites for a Creator. You too are a creator. Understand that God gave you Everything He Had to Give - He Gave You Himself in total and without reservation. God is Perfect and You are God's most Magnificent Creation. He can do no more or greater than You because He Gave You His All.

Understand All Creation only Exists within the Mind of God and if it does not exist within God, it does not exist at all or is illusion. Stop believing is an illusory "personal" world "separate" from God and not only does the ego dissipate to that degree, your Awareness of Truth and God increases to that degree. Recocognize your brothers and sisters as True Brothers and Sisters.

You have a True Home. This "world" is not it. You already Know this. You have the Key within you. Forget everything you think you know and from now on, let Truth Speak for Itself.

God is personal and intimate. God does not exist "out there". There is no "outside of God." He Exists Within You and as Truth. Everything You need You Have and were Created as such. God is Perfect Love and Perfect Love alone allows for Perfect Creation. You were Created out of Perfect Love and to the degree you realize Who You Truly Are and extend God's Love, You Know Truth and God.

Sorry, I realize I went off here and lost the tense of the article being replied to, but it seemed worth saying in the moment. Please pardon any typos or grammar/syntax errors. Didn't proof it much.

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Great Work Ryan.

It is difficult to use history as a reference for actual timeline(s) and truth for reasons you are aware of. The truth so far as "this world" is concerned is that Earth has always been ruled by people who consider they have a "divine right" to rule, typically through familial bloodlines that typically carry the Rh Negative blood factor that suggests and explains itself upon proper research. The families you see are the "face" or public families and are thus "sacrificial" as evidenced by that very fact. They "real" families you have never heard of and will find no or exceedingly scant historical documents about, although The Anonymous Charity did a good job of disclosing them.

Suffice to say this did not all spontaneously appear with the advent of the Rothschild family but in fact recorded history allows most of the ancestry of these families to be traced back to Babylon and even Sumer - which is to say it is always the same families doing the same things over and over and is the primary reason every civilization that has ever existed has collapsed and usually horribly. They dust off and use the same old techniques over and over and don't even give much effort to trying to make it look "novel" each time.

They change or modify their names when necessary, convenient and as bloodlines mix, but always the same bloodlines and/or branches thereof - same people, same plan, same methodology and the same tired old stupid plan.

Go through something often enough and you begin to wise up. It is Natural Law that experience ultimately results in wisdom thus we reach the point where people are "waking up" to this nonesense.

The waking up process is not merely the recognition of the lies and contrived "systems" one has been living under. Realizing illusion is not being "awake." Illusion is not Truth, but waking up to the fact you held belief in illusion is the necessary prerequisite for a realization of Real Truth.

Waking up to find the world is composed of inverted ego-centric psychopaths on the verge of final implementation of a scheme for complete human subjugation and enslavement is a pretty horrible thing to "wake up" to. Truth is supposed to be edifying, liberating and even fun, not horrible, so it would appear and the scenario suggests there may be more to wake up to.

Waking up does not really begin until one realizes and becomes aware there is a Spiritual component to all this. Until one fully grasps that component, one exists in an area of risk where all one sees is a horrible vision of the future and "must take certain and immediate actions" to prevent such future. Real Truth is not horrible, at all.

The one thing the inverted psychopaths know and have kept confidential is the fact that reality is created by what you hold and believe to be true. What a child of God believes as true IS true, for that person, and his/her reality inevitably and invariably conforms to those beliefs. God Creates by a statement of Truth. We are Created in His Image and Likeness. We create in the same manner. Life invariably mirrors or reflects back the truths we hold.

This is why "they" are so intent on showing you in every possible manner the future they have planned for you. You are the engine of creation here and they are not. They cannot create anything because they are inverted psychopaths only capable of destruction. They need your power to create the world they want. They understand you will create the world they want by virtue of the fact you, to varying degrees, accept as possible and/or probable the vision they continuously show you. It it is true they always show you what their plans are and what they are doing, but one must wake up to the truth of "why" they do this.

Fighting them, fighting their vision, fighting their systems and continuously examining what they are doing only validates the vision and reality they wish to create and you and thus, you become the unwitting tool and creator of their vision for you, and not your own. They have always known this truth. They are parasites. They use you for and towards your own destruction and you have allowed and "agreed" to let this happen, in ignorance of your True Nature.

We are the engine of creation for reality here. They know this, but too many people do not.

We need to realize some truth here. We need to recognize that reality is created by that which we hold to be true - how we really feel about things. Real Truth is an awareness of Who You Truly Are in relation to the True Source of All Life and phenomenon of life. You cannot meaningfully discuss truth and exclude the subject of God. Nothing makes sense otherwise.

All of your personal life is but a reflection mirrored back to you of your own feelings, thoughts, beliefs and self-created "truths." Nothing more and nothing less. This is your Nature, your Ability and your Power as the Kin of God. All commonly perceived life is a reflection of the collective common agreements of "truth." In order to change a reality, you have to envision a different one and make and hold that one as your "truth."

You postulate (self create) a "truth" or belief and consider it interposed by and with "space" and "time," and then the "outside world" seems to mirror a reflection of your thoughts in some "future" out of sequence in "time," which gives the perceivable and thus experienceable illusion there is a "world" outside your mind that you are the effect of. All this is illusion. Nothing exists outside of Mind. Nothing at all.

Understanding this, why should one accept a vision of a dismal future one does not want to participate in? Turn off the TV, ignore the "attention grabbing" fearmongering terror-based headlines shoved in your face all day every day and envision the future you want for yourself family and world. And then live it. This can only happen on the individual personal level which is true, right and proper as you have always had control of your life and reality and you have always held the key to your own happiness. How else can it be?

What is the difference between every being on this planet? Nothing. We are all created the same of Awareness, Imagination and Will as shared by God except for the various "differentiating truths" each of us hold. The "truths" we hold seem to make us different, but we are not. We are all children of God. We are all the Same in Creation. We are all Created equal but we each make up our own truths. This is a universe of and actually based on "personal" truth, and is illusory to that degree.

Even if no one else changes their vison of life, you still alter your own reality and experience for in spite of what appears to be existing "outside of your mind" sufficient for your own experience. There is no outside of Mind. Everything exists within Mind. Quantum physicists even know this now., The "unified field" is just Mind.

Quit looking at "that" world. Quit seeing that vision. Quit talking about it, quit telling others about it and quit figuring out what to do about it. Quit unfairly focusing on it the the exclusion of all other possibilities. Quit validating that horrible thing and that alone is sufficient. to completely change your own reality.

You hold the key to your own happiness and always have. How else can it be? Use that key from now on. Have your own vision of the future and live it in present time. Make it real to and for you and your family. This cannot be done as a group because reality is created on an individual level, but if each takes responsibility for their own Creative Power (and stop handing it over to usurious parasitic psychopaths) and if we each see a better brighter future just for ourselves, then "collectively' we change the reality of "this world" quite handily.

This is the one primary thing "they" do not want you to know. This spells their undoing more potently than anything else. This is the "big secret." This is what you must "wake up" to, your own spiritual power. This is what they know, keep hidden and use against you - your own creative power. They are parasites. They cannot exist without your compliance, consent and assent. They are Nothing.

And as you progress in your Awareness of Real Truth and you eventually realize nothing actually exists outside of mind, you get the dawning realization that those uncreative inverted psychopaths "out there" parasiting off your work product and energy are, in Truth and Reality, nothing more than your own ego parasiting off your own mind "projected" into "space" and "time" as some seeming "external" psychopath,. It's ALL illusion. And none of this fully goes away until you become fully Aware the ego and its inverted thought system is an illusion too, within your own mind.

This is all very much like a dream you wake up from as you realize Real Truth, and like a dream everything you thought was real while dreaming fades into the realization it was only an illusory dream.

Imagine a world where everyone knows this as True and we are collectively operating on a much higher level of Knowledge, creating and ever improving our collective reality as we each become more aware of Truth. Imagine a much more loving, forgiving and productive reality. Imagine this is the norm, but yet we still have some people struggling. We help them. We teach them the truth in a caring loving environment and manner. We forgive and are patient because we were once like that too., And living in such an environment makes it so much more simple for all.

The more you realize Real Truth the easier and more real this becomes.

cont'd on next post...

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WOW the web they weived and still do . TOTAL EVIL ! THX Ryan excellent work as always

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Love this and have some familiarity with it through Skousen and Griffin. Now though, I would like for you to expand on this sentence in the future: "The Rothschilds, as financially powerful as they were, were not the ultimate masterminds of the times."

Thanks again for putting this together, I will be sharing with others.

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Thanks Tom!

That's difficult to answer in brief, by the end of the series it will be more clear. I have reason to believe that the Rothschild Family is one of many conduits throughout the ages for a Babylonian banking system that would be perfected in Venice. I believe the Venetians were never truly eradicated in the War of the League of Cambrai (interesting most history books barely touch on this, I promise to elaborate) and that they merely relocated to Geneva Switzerland while still dominating the inner temples of all the great European and American Masonic Lodges.

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Very interesting Ryan - I look forward to your follow up research!

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Thank you for giving us the political and financial history of the world that THEY helped conveniently keep out of the history books and pop culture.

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Keep up the good work. Very useful to understand the globalists and what the white hats are working on today, and why.

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Love this series. So Snotty shift is a new be, want-a-be. Not as important as he tries to be. History can still make us smile...and..

dear President Jackson. His declaration of

"by The Eternal" so puts to rest Obama's demeaning of our origins!

Well done!!

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Really enjoying this series! Thank you! Do you know if Adam Schiff is any relation to the Jacob Schiff (of old) you mention here? Sure would explain a lot! 🤔

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I am wondering the same 😀

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I have been looking forward to this immensely, and you did not disappoint. So glad you went there, to the Khazarian beginnings in Western Russia (now, oddly enough, known as the Ukraine. This explains to me why Trump focused so much on saving the children as he knows it is the key to destroying the Central Banks that have enslaved mankind

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Some of the best writing I have ever seen. For years I never understood the world hatred towards the Jewish People. I have inquired those of Jewish Heritage and even they could not give me a convincing answer. This article that includes the Jewish background is the most enlightening and helping me to better understand and well explained to better my understanding. I look forward to your continuing articles. Well Done!

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I have found that these Part 1-5 have been very excellent readings from an in-depth study. Thank you. Now for my in-depth study of Abram later to be called Abraham through the naming of the Jews. Abraham is the Father of God's chosen people and more. He was from UR in Mesopotamia and came forth to a different land and understanding than of the people of his birthplace. He believed in one God not many individual Gods that his family believed to exist.

God said to Abram, If I am your God, I will make you father over many. So, vast as to be that of the sand of the seas. Abram agreed to the contract (covenant) and God changed his name from Abram to Abraham which set up the Hebrew race of God's Chosen.

With Abraham near 99 and Sari whose name was changed to Sarah gave birth to Issac at 90 years old. Her handmaiden gave birth to Ishmael earlier due to Sarah lateness in getting pregnant. When the boys were older Sarah did not want their to be any uncertainty about who gets the inheritance of Abraham. So, she had Abraham send Ishmael off with the handmaiden (his mother) Hagar. This led to the Ishmael race and later the Mohamed group of half brother's to God chosen people under Abraham and Isaac, the true son of adoption, also the Hebrew race and religion.

Isaac begat twins not look-a-likes at all but two distinct natures of Esau and Jacob. Esau could care-less about the Birthright and Scepter. He gave them both to Jacob. Isaac was getting old and did not

have good sight anymore. Jacob was told by his mother to put on a goatskin and receive the Blessing from your father Isaac. He did as his mother said and Isaac gave the Blessing to Jacob.

Esau came to his father Isaac and requested the Blessing from him and Isaac said I have already given the blessing to Jacob by deception. Esau went looking for his brother to kill him.

So, Jacob flew away to his mother's old house so as to not be hunted by Esau and killed.

Esau became the Edomites whom God has always hated as it states in the book of Acts. Jacob while fleeing, has a dream of becoming God's Chosen and it woke the next day to Bless the stone as Bethel and carried it with him from then own. God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. The religion was still Hebrew of his grandfather, Abraham. But his people became know as Israelites.

Israel had 12 children and the Israelites grew huge in the Land of Goshen (the mouth of the Nile River's fertile ground).

Moses through God's insistence had the Pharaoh let the Israelites go out of Egypt. As Pharaoh's Army tried to pursue them through the Red Sea, the entire army was drowned and wiped out. The Israelites marched around the mountain for 40 years due to their rebellious nature. None of that generation entered the promise land - not even Moses who was probably translated to Heaven by God.

The Israelites enter the promised land and set the city of Jerusalem as the Hebrew Religious site where they built God's Temple in the City of David near the wall of Temple Mount - not where the Dome of the Rock is located as many would have you believe.

So, Solomon dedicated this new Lord's Temple after his father, King David had gathered all the supplies to build it. It was then dedicated to God by His Chose People, the Israelites of old under the Hebrew religion.

The king of Babylon came after they defeated the Assyrians to exact tribute from the Israelites. Assyria had already taken the North Tribes and most of the tribe of Judea (the Southern Tribes) into a concentration camp in Northwest Assyria. Jerusalem refused to pay anymore tribute. Babylon came and did not make the same mistake Assyria made by condemning their God. All were in captivity in the Northwest of Assyria except the city of Jerusalem. The king of Babylon was smart and did not curse their God. He leveled the Temple and took the treasures to Babylon along with the people of the city of Jerusalem.

Now in Babylon, the Israelites of the city of Jerusalem became known as Jews. Shortened version of Jerusalem. King Cyrus of the Medo-Persian Empire over ran Babylon and killed the king of Babylon.

Cyrus pronounced an edict that the people of the Jews could go back to their homeland, rebuild their temple and worship their God.

The edomites had come into Jerusalem after the destruction of the temple and the people carried away. That was 70 years ago and they did not want to be disposed of their houses in Judah. So, they learned the religion of the Jews, Hebrew as well as the language. When the true Jews returned from Babylon, their houses were filled with these deceptive Edomites of Esau. They said, we are Hebrew Jews just like you. You would not dispose of a fellow comrade? So, the true Jews settled in Galilee upon their return from Babylon. This is why Christ's mother, Mary was in Nazareth before He was born along with Joseph who never touched is young bride until after the Babe was born.

At this point, we have all the players. Who is semetic? Who is anti-semetic? Who CARES?

1. We have God's Chosen People in NW Assyria who became known as the Lost Sheep of the House of


2. We have Ishmael, the half brother of the Chosen Ones.

3. We have Esau who God hates and one was really outstanding. His name was Judas - the betrayal of

Christ. Later, after His resurrection, Christ said it would be better for that man if he had never been

born. They are also the False-Jews.

4. The True-Jews that settled in Galilee and are Israelite as well as Hebrew religion of Abraham and the

part of the Southern tribe of the city of Jerusalem..

Christ knew the people of Judea were not God's Chosen. One of the fakes said our father is Abraham. Christ did not deny the fake's comment but said if Abraham was your father, you would do as Abraham. What a great answer. Christ only preached and work His miracles mainly in Galilee. He stayed away from Judea as much as possible. He did not come to save Esau.

Our big problems all stem from Esau the edomites and etc... Not from any other group. They infiltrate the Vatican as Jesuits, the bilderbergs, the Free Masons, even our Christian Protestant Churches. Ever wonder why the Protestant Churches sprung up from? The devil satan getting in the Holy Roman Catholic Church. When Roman destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem in 77 AD. The Soldiers confiscated the treasures of the Temple back to Rome to Caesar to use to build the Roman Coliseum. Guess who followed the money/treasures to Rome. Esau in the form of the Sadducees and Pharisees. They were Esau and they formed the brotherhood of the Jesuits to be close to where the wealth of the know World was at that time. They, Esau, the edomites have infiltrated the European Banking system ever since the Templars set it up in Switzerland. And they really worked hard in America from before the assassination of Lincoln to the 1930's, to bring America into the fold and enslave America Citizen from then on with the IRS, Fed Reserve, and fraudulent Banking System that steals our wealth legally.

So, who are God's Chosen People today? I'll give you a hint: it is not the people of Israel and the Jewish faith. Christ took it from them and gave it to another. The other He gave it to was the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. God's Chosen People were and always have been Abraham through to the Israelites. When the Israelite People left captivity in Northwest Assyria for the most part they migrated to the West from Eastern Europe toward Western Europe. Then they spread the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom of your salvation from one end of the Earth to the other end. They changed their name from Israelite to Caucasian due to the mountains in that region were called Caucasu. They are the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel and it is the precursor to truly understanding the Parts one through five in complete depth.

I left so much more out of this comment. I could have said much more but this is too long as it is. Thank you.

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If i may make this essay a little more palatable to All readers - - the word 'Chosen' meaneth NOT Wealth (gold/silver) rather to be 'conscripted' (drafted as u will) to perform a duty - to get a task done (unto death, if necessary) . ...........other references cite 'gazing-stock' or 'peculiar people' in the sense of doing strange-things like 'love your neighbor' or 'holding faith until death' even though it brings No Temporal Advantage . Yeshua was that template of 'peculiarity' - - exhibiting sacrifice as more precious than wealth - and as demonstrating / teaching virtue as the true expression of God . This declaration of 'chosen' applies to the prophets , probably 99 out of 100 would be stoned by their brothers - - so.......... a 'chosen-one' is not pre-eminence or 'ticket to heaven' but a whole group selected to Illustrate or Demonstrate to their assigned class (others in this world) proper behavior in all circumstances . Failure means Sayonara - - Compliance simply means ur Treasure is not located at your local Chase Manhattan ! ........... .... shalom to all

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Very good point. However, it leaves out one very important aspect and that is God. This is not the usual Chosen to do a task. Many are called but few are chosen. In this case, John 3:16 is covered in that even the called know God. They will receive the gift of everlasting life. But the Chosen few are Chosen by the only authority worthy to Choose such. The Chosen will receive Immortality as a gift immediately upon His return and invitation to the marriage feast. This immortality deals in Quantum. Something we are limited in knowledge. It is different than life eternal in this gift will be a millennial (1000) after the feast. They do not partake in the feast or in Quantum power as God possesses. I would love to think as myself as a Chosen over-comer but I do not possess that authority to do so. I can only strive at my best to over-come this corrupt devil satan's world. If it is not possible for me to receive that gift, at least, I might have the gift of eternal life. My prayer is to always be with the Trinity - Godhead for ever and ever. May the Holy Spirit intercede on my behalf and send this simple prayer to the Son who again intercedes for His flock with the Father in Heaven who can look upon no sin. That is the definition of the Chosen as defined in the Holy Written Scriptures explained to us. PS: I really like "Ur treasure is not in the Chase Manhattan Bank or any other part of the fraudulent Banking System."

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Thank you for the comments Michael . ........regarding the SuperNaturel , although i peruse modern and new-age websites in their take on 3G to 5G (Quantum) coming events - it is for the purpose of understanding and possible communication as they have a differing view-point regarding existing and coming events . .......The Transfiguration , the Ascension on Pentecost , Parting of the Red Sea , Healing the Centurion's Daughter etc, etc. are so 'jaw-dropping' to me (and more so day-by-day) that i find further explanations / illustrations / speculations somewhat unstimulating - - Mike Lindell going from 'crack-head' to pumping in tens of millions of dollars and thousands of gruelling man hours to preserve a Covenant Nation to the 'Will-Of-God' .....well it just staggers me as to the Miracles Our GOD is undertaking in our behalf ! .......... .... shalom

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Interesting article, I heard some of this from my father. Not quite as deep as this!

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Excellent answer. I'm impressed with your father and you for listening to him. How many listen to their fathers nowadays? Kudos to both of you. God Bless.

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