Let me confess, I didn’t know a lot about what I’m about to share before I made the decision to write on this topic. I thought it was a pretty clever title that I came up with, and now I had to write an article to support the title.
I suppose prior to doing a little research, I could have held a five-minute conversation on the topic with someone at a party. I could have made bold statements like, ‘through our education system, the Cabal controlled government is creating good little robots that will do their jobs without questioning authority. No creativity allowed. No encouragement of free-thinking; just do your job and don’t think.’
Not that any of this is inaccurate, I wouldn’t change a thing, but I just didn’t have a lot of proof to go along with this overwhelming feeling I had.
What I learned in my research wouldn’t make sense to me if I still held the naive belief that the Republicans and Democrats actually oppose each other. Correctly understanding now that the Uniparty, the Neocons, RINOs, and Liberals all work together to push forward the Deep State Cabal’s agenda, I understand that most opposition that is displayed between the parties is akin to professional wrestling Kayfabe—pretending to be at odds with each other when they in fact serve the same masters.
People like Bush Sr, Bush Jr., McCain, Romney, Gingrich and Paul Ryan were never America First, they have always been Cabal first. Before Trump was elected POTUS in 2016, very few politicians in DC were America First. Those who were, were quickly run out of DC. That is starting to change.
Trump wasn’t the first politician to be America First, but he will ultimately be the most successful at making America First.
According to Wikipedia,
The United States Department of Education is a cabinet-level department of the United States government. It began operating on May 4, 1980, having been created after the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was split into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services by the Department of Education Organization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.
The Department of Education is administered by the United States secretary of education. It has 4,400 employees, the smallest staff of the Cabinet agencies and a 2024 budget of $238 billion. […]
Upgrading Education to cabinet-level status in 1979 was opposed by many in the Republican Party, who saw the department as unconstitutional, arguing that the Constitution does not mention education, and deemed it an unnecessary and illegal federal bureaucratic intrusion into local affairs. […]
During the 1980 presidential campaign, Gov. Reagan called for the total elimination of the U.S. Department of Education, severe curtailment of bilingual education, and massive cutbacks in the federal role in education. [...]
The Republican Party platform of 1980 called for the elimination of the Department of Education created under Carter, and President Ronald Reagan promised during the 1980 presidential election to eliminate it as a cabinet post, but he was not able to do so with a Democratic House of Representatives. In the 1982 State of the Union Address, he pledged: "The budget plan I submit to you on Feb. 8 will realize major savings by dismantling the Department of Education."
By 1984 ,the GOP had dropped the call for elimination from its platform, and with the election of President George H. W. Bush in 1988, the Republican position evolved in almost lockstep with that of the Democrats, with Goals 2000 a virtual joint effort.
After the Newt Gingrich-led "revolution" in 1994 had taken control of both Houses of Congress, federal control of and spending on education soared. That trend continued unabated despite the fact that the Republican Party made abolition of the department a cornerstone of 1996 platform and campaign promises, calling it an inappropriate federal intrusion into local, state, and family affairs.
To summarize: on his way out the door, Carter established the Department of Education as a cabinet-level position. Reagan vehemently opposed this, calling for its total elimination. As happened too often during his presidency, Reagan compromised, and allowed the Department of Education to exist; he fought the funding, which greatly reduced its influence, but he didn’t eliminate it completely.
Once RINO, Neocon, Deep State puppet George Bush took office in 1989, the Department of Education began to soar. From this point forward, Uniparty Republicans pretended to oppose the Federal Government’s control of local school systems, but in reality, walked in lockstep with the Democrats in financial support of the Department of Education.
The more I learn about Reagan, the more I believe that he was Trump 1.0, or rather that Trump is Reagan 2.0. Trump seems to have learned from Reagan’s mistakes of compromising with the Deep State. In fact, Trump may have made some of those same mistakes in his first presidency, trusting the RINOs and Neocons a little too much.
In my article, Is Generation X Saving America, I point out how Gen X grew up during the Reagan presidency and theorize that Gen X youth avoided a lot of propaganda and conditioning that was heaped on the generations before and after them. Understanding now that Reagan stymied the Department of Education for eight years lines up with my theory—the theory that attempts to explain why Generation X was the only generation to vote in a majority for Trump in 2024.
Maybe flying under the radar in the Wikipedia information is how Reagan opposed bilingual education. Some could say this is racist, but I would surmise that he believed bilingual education would lead to division and a lack of immigrant assimilation into the American culture—problems we face in ample supply today. I truly believe that Reagan could see the direction America was going and understood the communist plan that was in place by the elites to destroy America.
I would be interested in finding out how much personal interaction Donald Trump had with Ronald Reagan, or maybe how much Trump was influenced by Reagan. The more I learn, the more it appears Reagan was setting the table for Trump to do what he is doing today—saving America. Or maybe Reagan was trying to save America, and Trump is simply finishing what Reagan couldn’t fully achieve.
When Reagan became president, he wanted to eliminate the Department of Education, but this doesn’t mean he didn’t think the education system in America didn’t need to be reformed, just that he believed it needed to be done on a state and local level, not the federal level.
From Education Week — March 18, 1987:
Since 1983, American public schools have been experiencing the most sustained and far-reaching reform effort in modern times. This national effort to improve school performance, in pursuit of excellence and economic growth, was galvanized by leadership from the Reagan Administration. Yet, unlike previous administrations, this one mobilized reform with a minimum of federal expenditures and no direct intervention into state and local educational affairs. […]
Thus, the amount of reform that the Administration has prompted in school affairs recently is truly extraordinary. It’s been said that it would have taken 30 years to enact through regular education channels the wave of reforms many states have adopted in the past three years. How has all of this been accomplished? […]
Many observers felt that to preserve our standard of living, we had to improve substantially our system of schooling to meet this technological and economic challenge. Mr. Reagan concurred, but he maintained this was a problem for state and local governments to solve, not the federal government. […]
In an address at Seton Hall University in the spring of 1983, Mr. Reagan said the answer to the problems of the schools lay in demanding excellence and improving the quality of teaching. The way to do this, he said, was to use merit pay so that teachers would be rewarded for outstanding performance.
The common-sense appeal of merit pay was extraordinarily powerful. Who could be against merit and rewarding excellence? Who could be, were, and still are against it are the teachers’ unions.
Reagan believed the US education system needed an upgrade, but it needed to be done on the state and local level.
In order to compete with economic rivals like Japan, Americans needed to be able to compete on a technological level. Reagan’s Administration prioritized education in areas like technology and computer science, rather than what came after his presidency—an increasing number of, in my opinion, useless degrees in areas of study, like African American and Women’s Studies.
It’s strange to think that Japan used to be considered technologically superior to America when it seems most technological innovations now come from America. A lot of that technological innovation comes from Americans who grew up during the Reagan Administration, a time when creativity in school was encouraged, and it was partnered with the resources to allow that creativity to be realized.
It seems Reagan wanted the education system to be run more like the private sector, rather than a government job. Teachers would be rewarded by how much their students learned, basically, for doing their job well. In my opinion, their jobs shouldn’t be guaranteed. If their students aren’t learning, they shouldn’t be teaching. They should be rewarded for teaching well, and punished for teaching poorly.
This is how the real world works, so why should it be any different with such an important and influential occupation? As it is today, it seems the only thing that will get a teacher fired is if they get caught abusing a student. I don’t mean to be overly critical of teachers, as this is the system in which they exist. What incentivizes them to do a better job?
Why the push towards federal control of the education system?
With the federal government’s control of the education system, they could not only determine where the federal money goes, but control what is being taught in the schools. One would have to be blind to not see that over the years, there has been a major shift towards liberal and woke agendas within the education system. Today, liberal professors outnumber conservative professors ten to one. Those with liberal beliefs are advanced, while those with conservative beliefs seem to come up against a glass ceiling.
What can one observe since the federal control of the education system went into high gear with the election of George Bush Sr. in 1988?
Political correctness began to infest universities in the early 1990’s and worked its way down through high school, then middle school and elementary school in the following years. Christianity seemed to disappear from school. While Christian prayer was eliminated from public schools in 1962, Christianity didn’t seem to be expelled from public schools until much later. Christmas Break was replaced with Winter Break. Christian symbols and the mention of Jesus were no longer allowed.
Other religions have had a different fate. Other religions are now taught about in public schools. Other religions are now having their religious holidays recognized in school. Students are taught that Christianity is an oppressive religion, with no mention of the teachings of Jesus, while Muhammad and Islam are taught about in detail, lacking any and all criticism.
With the Federal Education system having more power and influence, patriotism was no longer something that was taught or encouraged in schools; in its place, the adoration and idolization of the LGBTQ+ community and climate change became the narratives students received positive feedback for aligning with. Fat students became exempt from gym class, and the rope climb in PE became a symbol of inhumane torture. Today, 23% of Americans between the ages of 17-24 are eligible for the military. Most of these ineligibilities are due to not being able to meet the minimum levels of fitness.
Common core math may represent the federal education system in a nutshell: corruption, control and stupidity all in one.
Common Core is an American, multi-state educational initiative that began in 2010 with the goal of increasing consistency across state standards. The Obama Administration and its biggest non-government financial contributor, The Gates Foundation, pushed this new way of doing math on the states through federal pressure: either adopt the new math system, or lose your federal funding.
Common core has been, in my opinion, an unmitigated disaster. The majority of states originally adopted it; since then, some states have abandoned it, some have altered it, and some are still hanging on to it even though there has been no evidence that it has been beneficial in any way.
Being the parent of children born in 2008 and 2009, I was dumbfounded when they first showed me how they did their math in elementary school. It made no sense to me. The only conclusion I could come to was it was a way of creating rule-following robots, and this was before I was even awake and able to look at things with a more critical eye.
The Obama Administration awarded Pearson Publishing $350 million to create the Common Core curriculum and publish the textbooks. After Obama left the White House, his family was rewarded with a $65 million book deal by one of Pearson Publishing’s subsidiaries.
Pay to play. Corruption at its finest, and at the expense of American children. I am even more convinced today that this math was created to alter how children think, to ondition them to follow the rules while stamping out creative thought.
In the past few decades, Critical Theory began to be taught in schools.
Originally created at the Frankfurt School in pre-Nazi-controlled Germany in the 1930s—created by the same people who brought us political correctness, which was unleashed in American universities in the 1990s as a precursor—political correctness is the parent of wokeness. Critical Theory by definition is a philosophical and sociological approach to understanding power and inequality in society. Critical Theory explains power as unevenly used and distributed to maintain and reproduce social inequalities.
Critical Race Theory explains how the people in power—white people—use racism to hold down minorities. Critical Feminist Theory explains how the people in power—men—use sexism to hold women down. Critical Queer Theory … you get the point.
Marxism is used to explain how the ruling class exploits the working class to maintain their power. All of these concepts have been glorified in school for the past 30 years, with an uptick over the past 10-15 years.
Critical Theory helps to explain how a cold-blooded killer could murder a member of the perceived ruling class and be glorified as a Robin Hood-like figure—how a cold-blooded killer who comes from the ruling class can justify murder and be motivated to destroy the system that benefits them, killing the Golden Goose that lays them the golden eggs. This also explains how people can support terrorists who seem to be standing up to their oppressors in the Middle East. Again, there is nothing organic about what is happening today. This illogical, and immoral way of seeing the world was conditioned into them.
In reality, Critical Theory was created and is used to create confusion and division within a society. It is used to convince people they shouldn’t have hope, that the cards are stacked against them in a way they could never overcome. Critical Theory creates hatred and a victim’s mentality. Why even try? Critical Theory is used to convince the masses, rich and poor alike, that Communism is the only way.
What we are experiencing is all a part of a long-standing plan to destroy America by capturing a generation, maybe even two.
Vladimir Lenin said, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.”
Obviously, he put a positive twist on it. In reality, if one can capture the minds of just one generation, they can destroy that generation without firing a weapon or dropping a bomb.
I believe Donald Trump will do what Ronald Reagan didn’t do: dismantle the US Department of Education … not just defund it, but to annihilate it completely. I believe Trump will send the education system back to the state and local levels.
Eliminating the US Department of Education will take away much of the influence and power the Deep State Cabal has to control, manipulate and condition the population. No more generational hive minds.
As was the case during the Reagan years, young minds will be encouraged to be free and independent thinkers. Innovation will be unleashed. The mind control chains will be broken. America will become great again.
Greater than it’s ever been.
I fully expect the government and media to condemn the Trump Administration for getting rid of the Department of Education. They will say it will do a disservice to the American children, setting them back even further behind children of other countries, unable to compete. In reality, the Deep State will lose a key component to their mind control of the youth, and American students will flourish.
Who knows, maybe Generation Z (12-27) and Generation Alpha (under 12) will someday be remembered as America’s greatest generations.
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Erik, for not having started with a lot of research, this article is very well done. I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the problems. Instead of teaching reading writing and math. The commies want to teach common core wokeness. I'm a boomer, we had Jack LaLane who influenced the leaders that physical fitness and education were critical to keeping mental fitness and education. Everyone was required to participate in PE. Upper body strength is very important to maintaining a fit and balanced body, which helps teach discipline in physical and mental activities. It helps education in other areas. Food was actually better for us and not as much processed junk food was available. Another great article Keep doing what you do, you are greatly appreciated in the community... Peace...
This is an outstanding article, and totally agree with Carlson. I have a long history of actually seeing a lot of what he describes as a flute teacher, at every level including college. As a private teacher, I was able to observe children from many different types of education/schools, to see how all of this worked first hand.
It didn't take me long to see the many benefits of home schooling, and realize socializing was not important for most of them. Most were superior academically, and in the cities, there are great opportunities for students to do other activities such as band, music, labs for chemistry, biology, etc., and just generally a far superior all around education. The left has been trying to denigrate homeschooling as long as I can remember, but guess they posed a huge threat to them.
I am all for eliminating the Federal DOE, and returning the the states. While at it, eliminate the Teachers Union, another very powerful instrument of the Left. Also eliminate tenure, which in my opinion, only sets up laziness. Also saw that first hand as an adjunct professor, for several years, at a Memphis liberal arts college, and in the Shelby County public and private schools. Meritocracy definitely the way to go for kids to receive a better education and to have GOOD teachers who actually teach rather than see teaching a just another paycheck.
I could go on and on, but again, a great article which should go viral.