Erik, for not having started with a lot of research, this article is very well done. I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the problems. Instead of teaching reading writing and math. The commies want to teach common core wokeness. I'm a boomer, we had Jack LaLane who influenced the leaders that physical fitness and education were critical to keeping mental fitness and education. Everyone was required to participate in PE. Upper body strength is very important to maintaining a fit and balanced body, which helps teach discipline in physical and mental activities. It helps education in other areas. Food was actually better for us and not as much processed junk food was available. Another great article Keep doing what you do, you are greatly appreciated in the community... Peace...
Junior high it was a big competition to get the award. One school had gold stars you sewed onto your gym shorts, another school you got to wear different colored gym shorts. Always trying to get to the next level. Eliminating the focus is part of the reeducation of the kids...
I agree. What we choose to teach is key. The quality of the teaching is important, but what I have witnessed is a steady decline in the choice of subject matter.
Last year I was able to have serious discussions with local teachers about various subjects. What I found was these teachers were all screaming liberals. They refused to even discuss conservative solutions to the failures of local students.
Since our government forced it’s way into our classrooms, test scores have plummeted. Science class has been turned into rejection of Capitalism. Math has been made political. Students are being taught to be professional victims.
One generation might be able to bring about world change according to Marx, but we allowed the change of a generation of teachers two generations ago! Those tainted teachers are hard at work choosing what is being taught and the books being forced on the schools back up the teachers and strengthen their resolve. This is not going to be easy to change. We need to re-educate the educators first.
This is an outstanding article, and totally agree with Carlson. I have a long history of actually seeing a lot of what he describes as a flute teacher, at every level including college. As a private teacher, I was able to observe children from many different types of education/schools, to see how all of this worked first hand.
It didn't take me long to see the many benefits of home schooling, and realize socializing was not important for most of them. Most were superior academically, and in the cities, there are great opportunities for students to do other activities such as band, music, labs for chemistry, biology, etc., and just generally a far superior all around education. The left has been trying to denigrate homeschooling as long as I can remember, but guess they posed a huge threat to them.
I am all for eliminating the Federal DOE, and returning the the states. While at it, eliminate the Teachers Union, another very powerful instrument of the Left. Also eliminate tenure, which in my opinion, only sets up laziness. Also saw that first hand as an adjunct professor, for several years, at a Memphis liberal arts college, and in the Shelby County public and private schools. Meritocracy definitely the way to go for kids to receive a better education and to have GOOD teachers who actually teach rather than see teaching a just another paycheck.
I could go on and on, but again, a great article which should go viral.
Eliminating the union would be hard. But I agree that it is the real problem on elementary and secondary levels. I also agree with you about tenure for colleges.
Teaching to the tests and teaching to the standards has degraded what the students are learning. There’s a difference in the word teach and the word cover. I would say most teachers cover the material just to say they did that to cover their you know whats.
It is worse than that some places. My wife and I were at a local school to meet with the teacher but her class was still going when we arrived. So we stood and waited for the class to end.
As it happened, the teacher was giving a test that day. So she handed out the test and then went over each question with her class by getting individual students to read and answer each question. Then she took up the tests.
Next, she passed out another identical test for the students to fill out for the record. We found this to be bizarre, but just stood and observed.
After the class ended, we had our meeting with the teacher. But, I could not help myself, I had to ask her about her test. She explained that her method was the only way she could get a satisfactory number of her students to pass. And, to make this story even worse, she told us that doing it the way she did it, over half of the class would fail that test.
We left that day knowing our education system was in trouble. And, that was in 2007! Maybe it has improved since then, but I do not see any signs of encouragement.
Erik this is a great article! I have felt this way for a long time about our education system. Hopefully Trump will be able to eliminate this destructive Department. I believe that the reason we are seeing the explosion of private schools in our country is because of what is taught in public schools. For our children’s future and for the future of our country THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION must be eliminated! Thank you for bringing this to the attention of many!
Our kids are about the same age. We homeschool. As I dug into what it means to educate our kids, I concluded that Christian classical education is what will get us through the present Dark Age. Similar to the last dark age, when Christian monks hung on to classical learning.
Christian education may have also put us into those previous dark ages as that it was Church officials who removed and destroyed information and worked to keep the masses illiterate.
Its apparent to me that besides the education system being rigged to dummy Americans down, the Pharma (BILL GATES FOUNDATION) who controls 100% of Pharma worldwide, are purposefully poisoning and destroying the minds, the brains of Americans with the help of their political counterparts. Every boy child in kindergarten is on ADD drugs (Adderall and its generic is COCAINE) unless their parent objects (I believe laced with hormones), now sooner in preschool. I say that as having personally worked in the schools (catholic schools) and witnessing this evil perpetrated on children in the 2000's. The money that is currently funneled into "Education" by the Gates Foundation is in the BILLIONS! Its about drugs not education. Its about diagnosis and TREATMENT. Its about surgical removal of your boys penis. Its about creating "Mental Illness" Its vaccines. Its about destroying the mind and body. Its about a return on Gates foundation investment and its about CONTROL. Its never been about education. So much evil about sending your children into these institutions today. Homeschool your kids. HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Association. Join for a couple hundred dollars per family a year and get them away from this garbage.
Bill Gates who travelled over 20 times to Pedo Island has unfettered access to your school.....Is this a fkn joke?
The WHO, the "justice" system, and the US Department of Education are leading the march to a pedophilic wasteland:
Here are the World Health Organization’s revised sex education guidelines for 0-4 years of age: early childhood masturbation.
This means school teachers teaching your toddler how to masturbate.
The primary objective of this orchestrated trans movement is to get rid of and delegitimize age-of-consent laws by pretending little kids are actually “little adults”, mature enough to decide anything for themselves, so that when they are raped by actual adults its “consensual”. In the linked article an ACLU lawyer argues that children as young as two know whether they are trans or not, and that castrating them is their choice, meanwhile the WHO is pushing masturbation from birth into the global school curriculum:
They stripped civics out of school curriculums specifically to suppress citizen action from stepping in and ending madness just like this. [image]
"Eliminating the US Department of Education will take away much of the influence and power the Deep State Cabal has to control, manipulate and condition the population. No more generational hive minds..... The mind control chains will be broken.....[...]"
--- Yes indeed you are 100% correct, getting rid of the centralizing model of the DoE, would be an improvement. Local control over schools, parental involvement in curriculum and local school activity helps children immensely.
There are many areas to eliminate besides just the centralizing education control, here is a list of some items from a much longer one on a recent post:
This is NOT a Complete List of things that should happen:
For the Government:
Abolish all forms of Corporate Government Franchise Structures; no more Corporate Structures within any Government Entity, Period.
Repeal the Organic Act of 1871
Repeal the 14th Amendment or severely alter it, to eliminate "birthright" US person hood, to reestablish the Lawful recognition of Sui Juris / Individual Sovereignty, that existed before the Civil War.
Republican form of Government MUST be forced to Represent the Constituents, for those who believe in the Constitution (There are problems with that)
Abolish ALL lobbying. … PERIOD.
Senators return to being appointed by the State Governors. Not a popular vote.
Ban ALL Voting Machines — Paper Ballots only. (If we want it to work next time) This is if we can really accept the idea that the “Elections” work. (I have my doubts.)
Abolish the CIA, FBI, DHS, CPS, CDC, NIH, FDA, IRS and all other unnecessary three letter agencies. [Yes -- also the Federal Dept of Education] DoE.
Abolish all Property Taxes nation wide, find a different way to waste local money.
Abolish Eminent Domain, this would force public works projects to seriously respect private property owners. If Eminent Domain were to exist, it would rest solely with the Private Owner in Fee Simple Alloidal Title.
Abolish Land Ownership of the United States Government; Land may only be owned privately and in Fee Simple. Any exception to this would need to be carefully ironed out; there would still need to be Military bases somewhere.
Assert that all Private Property Owners hold “True Alloidal Title in Fee Simple.”
"As was the case during the Reagan years, young minds will be encouraged to be free and independent thinkers. Innovation will be unleashed. America will become great again.......[...]"
Unfortunately, Regan signed into law a type of "Legal Immunity" for Pharmaceutical Corporations, this was a disaster for our children. To go a lot further, Trump MUST reverse this.
America will continue to decline so long as people keep up with the Childhood Vaccine Schedules. ALL injections must be banned. Period.
I have a son who has autism, he was born premature and received many of the scheduled injections; from first hand experience, I know for a FACT that vaccines are poison to an infant. He would be worse if I had not intervened.
It would take raising money to run for Senate out of the equation. But corrupt governors could perpetuate corruption with the Senate choice. Have to think further on this point.
Agree, get rid of Lobby money, all of it. But humans have an evil bent. Money truly is the root of all (or most) evil. Man will always find a way to go around the rules. But we have to make it as hard as possible.
We need election integrity to start with. Our local school board candidates need to get on the ballot for spring primaries. It's a chore as I've learned the system, how local elections work. I was elected committee person and am still learning how politics works where I live. My deceased cousin told me years ago, All Politics is local. It is, the lower on the chain elect those above. But not enough of us newbie grassroots conservatives are willing or able to get involved. DJT needs the local people to get involved in their own communities. People too busy running, working out, plugged into their phones, running children to and from lessons, etc. They have no idea what is going on anywhere. The Constitution needs to be taught in grade school as I learned it and taught it years ago. Patriot Academy is trying to get that out! But not enough of us. It's a start, though.
Nothing could be more convincing about vaccines, than having personal first hand experience of a family member with autism. When this whole thing started with the Plandemic, my eyes were wide open. Once we see things as they are, we cannot unsee them.
I heard something maybe around the time the idea of eliminating the Department first came up. Since 2000, the student population has increased 5% and the teacher population 10%. This makes sense given just the general growth in population over the last 25 years and the push for smaller class sizes. What was eye opening was the increase in administrative staff which grew by 40% over the same period. I cannot remember if this was a national statisic or if it applied to just California, but regardless, it is a huge part of the problem.
Erik, thanks for another great article on another critical American issue that must be resolved and corrected. My kids are millennials who went to public schools and universities in the U of Cal system. I can remember my daughter coming home upset when her HS teacher tried to shut her down in class for defending American democracy against the Marxism her teacher was propounding. I was shocked to say the least. I can only imagine the horrors going on in California schools right now. Every time I’ve met families that homeschool their kids I’m amazed at how bright and articulate the these kids are.
I want to send this to every educator I know. Great breakdown of the most insidious of mind control, the children. I'm a young boomer, almost a gen X kid, and I witnessed that exact thing with the Reagan years, after a pretty rough 70s. Nice work Erik.
Ronald Reagan Dept of Education Senior Policy Advisor Charlotte Iserbyt blew this whistle in the 80's. Her book is extremely difficult to find and expensive IF you can find it for sale. It can be requested from your local library. I'm in Louisiana not a single copy here. Came interlibrary from Ole Miss after about a month. I dropped everything and rushed to get it...normally I would have had 2 weeks checked out before the due date but I wasn't allowed to remove it from the building and only had 72 hours before it had to be sent back. I just found a link for it. I haven't had a chance to see if it's the complete book yet but here's a link for anyone interested. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail
It's great to round out Charlotte Iserbyt's work in "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" with the political climate of that era. I too was shocked by Common Core and I tried hard to help my ex wife see the light during the 2008 time frame on education and vaccination, which reinforce each other and poison our children. The system is very well designed even if it is obviously corrupt once you "wake up" to it.
It's been a long time coming, I pray and hope and hold faith that this is finally going to be fixed.
So spot on, Erik! I have seen the transformation of education downward. i started as a young teacher in 1969. Federal funds tie school districts into following federal rules or lose funding, as you say. Currently retired, I tutor a young boy in English. He's the son of immigrants who didn't speak English at home. Happily, he speaks and understands so much more now! I still tutor to expand his vocabulary and correct his grammar. We came to a problem with his math lessons at school! I couldn't help him. I needed to comprehend the new way subtraction is taught by adding in 2nd grade! Goes completely against my mind in helping a child understand the words in a problem that mean to subtract. Neither can his foreign born mother help him! I think she got a special tutor for him so he can catch on to school lessons. This is so stupid. I agree with your view after you observed your children's education! I await a change back to sanity in our education system! Well done! Happier New Year for all of us once Jan 20 comes!
Department of Education is at the core of the current tyranny. Chopping boys dicks off is a symptom. People submitting stupidly to the administrative empire created in DC is the ultimate goal of the DOE. Our culture is sick, very very sick. We must heal our culture to destroy satan’s societies.
Erik, for not having started with a lot of research, this article is very well done. I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the problems. Instead of teaching reading writing and math. The commies want to teach common core wokeness. I'm a boomer, we had Jack LaLane who influenced the leaders that physical fitness and education were critical to keeping mental fitness and education. Everyone was required to participate in PE. Upper body strength is very important to maintaining a fit and balanced body, which helps teach discipline in physical and mental activities. It helps education in other areas. Food was actually better for us and not as much processed junk food was available. Another great article Keep doing what you do, you are greatly appreciated in the community... Peace...
We also had the presidential award patches started under President Kennedy! It was a big deal to get that badge!
Thanks for the memory - can't say I ever earned one, but definitely need this back in schools!
⚠️ WARNING !⚠️
⚠️ TOXIC and RADIOACTIVE SCAM inside !⚠️
The 6 minute jog walk was my demise. To this day, I don't like to jog.
I got that badge. Too bad I don’t have it today, I guess my parents didn’t keep stuff back in the day. Lol.
Junior high it was a big competition to get the award. One school had gold stars you sewed onto your gym shorts, another school you got to wear different colored gym shorts. Always trying to get to the next level. Eliminating the focus is part of the reeducation of the kids...
Oh, how I hated PE!! But I do think it should be brought back. Those really were the good days!
I agree. What we choose to teach is key. The quality of the teaching is important, but what I have witnessed is a steady decline in the choice of subject matter.
Last year I was able to have serious discussions with local teachers about various subjects. What I found was these teachers were all screaming liberals. They refused to even discuss conservative solutions to the failures of local students.
Since our government forced it’s way into our classrooms, test scores have plummeted. Science class has been turned into rejection of Capitalism. Math has been made political. Students are being taught to be professional victims.
One generation might be able to bring about world change according to Marx, but we allowed the change of a generation of teachers two generations ago! Those tainted teachers are hard at work choosing what is being taught and the books being forced on the schools back up the teachers and strengthen their resolve. This is not going to be easy to change. We need to re-educate the educators first.
Removing the unions from the equation is the #1 place to start….after dismantling the Department of Education.
Exactly, Communism starts in the unions because it's an easy place for them to hide.
You summed it up beautifully with two words: tainted teachers.
This is an outstanding article, and totally agree with Carlson. I have a long history of actually seeing a lot of what he describes as a flute teacher, at every level including college. As a private teacher, I was able to observe children from many different types of education/schools, to see how all of this worked first hand.
It didn't take me long to see the many benefits of home schooling, and realize socializing was not important for most of them. Most were superior academically, and in the cities, there are great opportunities for students to do other activities such as band, music, labs for chemistry, biology, etc., and just generally a far superior all around education. The left has been trying to denigrate homeschooling as long as I can remember, but guess they posed a huge threat to them.
I am all for eliminating the Federal DOE, and returning the the states. While at it, eliminate the Teachers Union, another very powerful instrument of the Left. Also eliminate tenure, which in my opinion, only sets up laziness. Also saw that first hand as an adjunct professor, for several years, at a Memphis liberal arts college, and in the Shelby County public and private schools. Meritocracy definitely the way to go for kids to receive a better education and to have GOOD teachers who actually teach rather than see teaching a just another paycheck.
I could go on and on, but again, a great article which should go viral.
Eliminating the union would be hard. But I agree that it is the real problem on elementary and secondary levels. I also agree with you about tenure for colleges.
Why though? Why would it be hard to eliminate the union?
They run 'most every school district in the country (not the administrators, not the boards). They are well organized and well-entrenched.
Teaching to the tests and teaching to the standards has degraded what the students are learning. There’s a difference in the word teach and the word cover. I would say most teachers cover the material just to say they did that to cover their you know whats.
It is worse than that some places. My wife and I were at a local school to meet with the teacher but her class was still going when we arrived. So we stood and waited for the class to end.
As it happened, the teacher was giving a test that day. So she handed out the test and then went over each question with her class by getting individual students to read and answer each question. Then she took up the tests.
Next, she passed out another identical test for the students to fill out for the record. We found this to be bizarre, but just stood and observed.
After the class ended, we had our meeting with the teacher. But, I could not help myself, I had to ask her about her test. She explained that her method was the only way she could get a satisfactory number of her students to pass. And, to make this story even worse, she told us that doing it the way she did it, over half of the class would fail that test.
We left that day knowing our education system was in trouble. And, that was in 2007! Maybe it has improved since then, but I do not see any signs of encouragement.
Erik this is a great article! I have felt this way for a long time about our education system. Hopefully Trump will be able to eliminate this destructive Department. I believe that the reason we are seeing the explosion of private schools in our country is because of what is taught in public schools. For our children’s future and for the future of our country THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION must be eliminated! Thank you for bringing this to the attention of many!
Our local grandchildren go to a Christian school (discounted for the fact there are 3 of them) and the enrollment has literally tripled since Covid.
Our kids are about the same age. We homeschool. As I dug into what it means to educate our kids, I concluded that Christian classical education is what will get us through the present Dark Age. Similar to the last dark age, when Christian monks hung on to classical learning.
Christian education may have also put us into those previous dark ages as that it was Church officials who removed and destroyed information and worked to keep the masses illiterate.
There is a difference between the Catholic officials who primarily do not follow Biblical Christianity and the smaller religious groups who do.
You're always on point. Again: nailed it.
Its apparent to me that besides the education system being rigged to dummy Americans down, the Pharma (BILL GATES FOUNDATION) who controls 100% of Pharma worldwide, are purposefully poisoning and destroying the minds, the brains of Americans with the help of their political counterparts. Every boy child in kindergarten is on ADD drugs (Adderall and its generic is COCAINE) unless their parent objects (I believe laced with hormones), now sooner in preschool. I say that as having personally worked in the schools (catholic schools) and witnessing this evil perpetrated on children in the 2000's. The money that is currently funneled into "Education" by the Gates Foundation is in the BILLIONS! Its about drugs not education. Its about diagnosis and TREATMENT. Its about surgical removal of your boys penis. Its about creating "Mental Illness" Its vaccines. Its about destroying the mind and body. Its about a return on Gates foundation investment and its about CONTROL. Its never been about education. So much evil about sending your children into these institutions today. Homeschool your kids. HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Association. Join for a couple hundred dollars per family a year and get them away from this garbage.
Bill Gates who travelled over 20 times to Pedo Island has unfettered access to your school.....Is this a fkn joke?
The WHO, the "justice" system, and the US Department of Education are leading the march to a pedophilic wasteland:
Here are the World Health Organization’s revised sex education guidelines for 0-4 years of age: early childhood masturbation.
This means school teachers teaching your toddler how to masturbate.
The primary objective of this orchestrated trans movement is to get rid of and delegitimize age-of-consent laws by pretending little kids are actually “little adults”, mature enough to decide anything for themselves, so that when they are raped by actual adults its “consensual”. In the linked article an ACLU lawyer argues that children as young as two know whether they are trans or not, and that castrating them is their choice, meanwhile the WHO is pushing masturbation from birth into the global school curriculum:
They stripped civics out of school curriculums specifically to suppress citizen action from stepping in and ending madness just like this. [image]
Wow... the audacity is truly alarming. That they really think they can get away with this demonstrates just how weak society is....
Erik wrote:
"Eliminating the US Department of Education will take away much of the influence and power the Deep State Cabal has to control, manipulate and condition the population. No more generational hive minds..... The mind control chains will be broken.....[...]"
--- Yes indeed you are 100% correct, getting rid of the centralizing model of the DoE, would be an improvement. Local control over schools, parental involvement in curriculum and local school activity helps children immensely.
There are many areas to eliminate besides just the centralizing education control, here is a list of some items from a much longer one on a recent post:
This is NOT a Complete List of things that should happen:
For the Government:
Abolish all forms of Corporate Government Franchise Structures; no more Corporate Structures within any Government Entity, Period.
Repeal the Organic Act of 1871
Repeal the 14th Amendment or severely alter it, to eliminate "birthright" US person hood, to reestablish the Lawful recognition of Sui Juris / Individual Sovereignty, that existed before the Civil War.
Republican form of Government MUST be forced to Represent the Constituents, for those who believe in the Constitution (There are problems with that)
Abolish ALL lobbying. … PERIOD.
Senators return to being appointed by the State Governors. Not a popular vote.
Ban ALL Voting Machines — Paper Ballots only. (If we want it to work next time) This is if we can really accept the idea that the “Elections” work. (I have my doubts.)
Abolish the CIA, FBI, DHS, CPS, CDC, NIH, FDA, IRS and all other unnecessary three letter agencies. [Yes -- also the Federal Dept of Education] DoE.
Abolish all Property Taxes nation wide, find a different way to waste local money.
Abolish Eminent Domain, this would force public works projects to seriously respect private property owners. If Eminent Domain were to exist, it would rest solely with the Private Owner in Fee Simple Alloidal Title.
Abolish Land Ownership of the United States Government; Land may only be owned privately and in Fee Simple. Any exception to this would need to be carefully ironed out; there would still need to be Military bases somewhere.
Assert that all Private Property Owners hold “True Alloidal Title in Fee Simple.”
For more of this list:
I really used to appreciate Regan; you wrote:
"As was the case during the Reagan years, young minds will be encouraged to be free and independent thinkers. Innovation will be unleashed. America will become great again.......[...]"
Unfortunately, Regan signed into law a type of "Legal Immunity" for Pharmaceutical Corporations, this was a disaster for our children. To go a lot further, Trump MUST reverse this.
America will continue to decline so long as people keep up with the Childhood Vaccine Schedules. ALL injections must be banned. Period.
I have a son who has autism, he was born premature and received many of the scheduled injections; from first hand experience, I know for a FACT that vaccines are poison to an infant. He would be worse if I had not intervened.
It would take raising money to run for Senate out of the equation. But corrupt governors could perpetuate corruption with the Senate choice. Have to think further on this point.
Agree, get rid of Lobby money, all of it. But humans have an evil bent. Money truly is the root of all (or most) evil. Man will always find a way to go around the rules. But we have to make it as hard as possible.
We need election integrity to start with. Our local school board candidates need to get on the ballot for spring primaries. It's a chore as I've learned the system, how local elections work. I was elected committee person and am still learning how politics works where I live. My deceased cousin told me years ago, All Politics is local. It is, the lower on the chain elect those above. But not enough of us newbie grassroots conservatives are willing or able to get involved. DJT needs the local people to get involved in their own communities. People too busy running, working out, plugged into their phones, running children to and from lessons, etc. They have no idea what is going on anywhere. The Constitution needs to be taught in grade school as I learned it and taught it years ago. Patriot Academy is trying to get that out! But not enough of us. It's a start, though.
Good suggestions you made!
I agree, the ideas I presented as only a rough draft.
Reducing corruption begins with eliminating different levels of centralized control; at the local level, seems to be a little easier.
The Senate has been the American version of the House of Lords.
We have 1 grandchild (16) with Asperger’s and a cousin with an autistic child (10). We’re a small family.
Nothing could be more convincing about vaccines, than having personal first hand experience of a family member with autism. When this whole thing started with the Plandemic, my eyes were wide open. Once we see things as they are, we cannot unsee them.
I heard something maybe around the time the idea of eliminating the Department first came up. Since 2000, the student population has increased 5% and the teacher population 10%. This makes sense given just the general growth in population over the last 25 years and the push for smaller class sizes. What was eye opening was the increase in administrative staff which grew by 40% over the same period. I cannot remember if this was a national statisic or if it applied to just California, but regardless, it is a huge part of the problem.
Erik, thanks for another great article on another critical American issue that must be resolved and corrected. My kids are millennials who went to public schools and universities in the U of Cal system. I can remember my daughter coming home upset when her HS teacher tried to shut her down in class for defending American democracy against the Marxism her teacher was propounding. I was shocked to say the least. I can only imagine the horrors going on in California schools right now. Every time I’ve met families that homeschool their kids I’m amazed at how bright and articulate the these kids are.
Erik you are spot on. our education system is FUBR from top to bottom and that is before DEI and all the woke horseshit.
The Department of Education is near the op of the 90% (minimum) of government that immediately need to be eliminated.
The best is yet to come.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
My Friend---this has been your BEST piece...This was great writing and sharing of knowledge. Thanks for sharing!
Hard to choose the best . . . certainly one of them.
I want to send this to every educator I know. Great breakdown of the most insidious of mind control, the children. I'm a young boomer, almost a gen X kid, and I witnessed that exact thing with the Reagan years, after a pretty rough 70s. Nice work Erik.
Ronald Reagan Dept of Education Senior Policy Advisor Charlotte Iserbyt blew this whistle in the 80's. Her book is extremely difficult to find and expensive IF you can find it for sale. It can be requested from your local library. I'm in Louisiana not a single copy here. Came interlibrary from Ole Miss after about a month. I dropped everything and rushed to get it...normally I would have had 2 weeks checked out before the due date but I wasn't allowed to remove it from the building and only had 72 hours before it had to be sent back. I just found a link for it. I haven't had a chance to see if it's the complete book yet but here's a link for anyone interested. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail
It's great to round out Charlotte Iserbyt's work in "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" with the political climate of that era. I too was shocked by Common Core and I tried hard to help my ex wife see the light during the 2008 time frame on education and vaccination, which reinforce each other and poison our children. The system is very well designed even if it is obviously corrupt once you "wake up" to it.
It's been a long time coming, I pray and hope and hold faith that this is finally going to be fixed.
So spot on, Erik! I have seen the transformation of education downward. i started as a young teacher in 1969. Federal funds tie school districts into following federal rules or lose funding, as you say. Currently retired, I tutor a young boy in English. He's the son of immigrants who didn't speak English at home. Happily, he speaks and understands so much more now! I still tutor to expand his vocabulary and correct his grammar. We came to a problem with his math lessons at school! I couldn't help him. I needed to comprehend the new way subtraction is taught by adding in 2nd grade! Goes completely against my mind in helping a child understand the words in a problem that mean to subtract. Neither can his foreign born mother help him! I think she got a special tutor for him so he can catch on to school lessons. This is so stupid. I agree with your view after you observed your children's education! I await a change back to sanity in our education system! Well done! Happier New Year for all of us once Jan 20 comes!
Department of Education is at the core of the current tyranny. Chopping boys dicks off is a symptom. People submitting stupidly to the administrative empire created in DC is the ultimate goal of the DOE. Our culture is sick, very very sick. We must heal our culture to destroy satan’s societies.