God is speaking through the prophets and through ordinary people all of the time. In 2021, God spoke to me, the same way anyone else would. At 3am on my computer, reading several things in current events and such, I became so sad. I sat there staring at the screen, when on my right, a man's voice startled me. He spoke clearly, loudly and COMMANDING, two words, "HAVE FAITH". I was in shock!!!! Nothing like this had ever happened to me in my life. Chills, astonishment, and a question in my mind, WHY ME? Why would God choose me to deliver this message to? I am a Christian for sure, I pray daily several times a day, I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I AM NOT a church goer. I DO NOT identify with any denomination besides the Christian faith, the teachings of the commandments. I have barely read the bible. WHY ME?

The why doesn't matter however I felt so privileged to have been chosen for this message. I cried tears of happiness over this.

It was 4am when I finally made it up to my bed. I laid there still in shock over this, when I spoke out of my mouth in the dark, never expecting an answer, 'God will anyone ever be punished for this?' I was asking the question with the Jab in mind, with the mask and the 6 feet rule ect.... when to my surprise, both of my roll down window shades rolled themselves up violently. I pulled the covers over my head in fear. I was trembling. I could not believe HE heard me, and HE answered me. That answer assured me, we would come out of this mess and that GOD was in charge. I slept the best 12 hours straight I had ever slept. I floated on a cloud for the next few weeks, and I shared the story with very few people because I figured everyone would say I was nuts. I called a woman, fellow singer that comes to our weekly music jazz-jams. I had received a call from her months earlier but never returned her call. I had only met her briefly and she asked for my number. I don't know why I didn't call her back at the time, but I felt compelled to finally return her call. She said she couldn't remember why she called me. I don't know why, but I decide to tell her this story. She began crying through the phone. I didn't know why but I just waited until she stopped. She explained that she, with 2 children, had decided to end her life that day, feeling hopeless over her job forcing her to take the jab, which she refused, and had quit. She was broken, she was severely depressed, and ready to take a bunch of pills. She had dropped her kids off with her mom. Long story short. After what I told her, she said she felt chills and that in that moment she knew God had sent her this message "HAVE FAITH". I eventually met up with her and offered her some cash, but she said she wouldn't need it. She had gotten another job and would be OK.

The divine intervention in TRUMPS assassination attempt is to be believed. I do believe 100% God is orchestrating through humans. I believe in the end, we will all be saved from the destruction planned for us by the deep state and their demonic practices. I have just two words for everyone, HAVE FAITH!!!

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Love this testimony from a fellow singer!! Years ago, I was washing dishes at the kitchen window, kids outside, thinking of nothing in particular, when (a man’s strong voice) said my name. It was so real, I answered, but heard nothing else. Maybe it was my wake-up call. God bless you, Catherine, and it all happened so God could use you to prevent a suicide! No coincidences with God!🙏

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Amen to that!

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God communicates with those who truly desire to know Him, and the ways in which He communicates with us are appropriate for each of us as individuals. A rabid materialist would claim you might have psychological issues or that somehow you're biased to see your window shades roll themselves up violently as some communication from God. I see it as a symbolic answer to your question in that God shone, symbolically, light on the subject matter you wanted to know about meaning yes, all evil doers will be forced to see the bright light of God shine on all their evil deeds, and they will account for them. Your story about the woman is also confirmation of the exceedingly direct, personal, often very, very mysterious ways in which God makes His existence known to those who truly want to know Him, and to know, and discern His will for us. That's an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it. It makes my weep to know how amazingly loving God is, and I always feel, in a sense, so unworthy of His incredible love, so I pray every day numerous times a day, and ask that I know, and discern His will for me. I've always felt His love, and my faith, and hope ate unshakable. May God continue to bless you.

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Thank you Dennis, and I agree!

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Perfect!! Have Faith the perfecter of our Faith calmly says ….

He wants to have a personal relationship with all his children,

There is no real peace with out Jesus Christ!

By Faith we go. Not knowing exactly where,

Knowing our God is everywhere and within whispers one more time again… have Faith.

Thanks for sharing.

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Catherine, I have been having a conversation with God for qhjte sometime. I ask for signs actually numbers. Cant argue with numbers, nor synchronicity of events.

Since we are having these conversations

I am on the road 100-500 miles a day.

License plates, trucks numbers all tell me

Symbolism. I will just focus on 1 number:

For about a year I have seen 45 everywhere, God reassures me 45 is Trump. I know Trump Wins. Just how we get there idk.

I have numerous number stories

I me thinks will write a post on this.

I am very firm the This living presence

From my heart to my lips to his ears I am heard.

I’m not crazy. I’ve heard the words of God too, but that’s another story. For now numbers tell and I believe we are into an area that is supernatural and awe inspiring. Christ said ASK I ASK

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You are not crazy. I have known God has protected me several times from very dangerous and weird circumstances since i was a child, and without biblical education, I have always felt close to him. As I've gotten older and a bit wiser, I rely on him to give me the instincts I am blessed to have. I can feel evil, danger, heartache, joy from people I pass and never have met. I am a truly sensitive soul with a hard exterior, as a way to protect myself. I consider him my best friend and only true friend. Its wonderful to hear so many inspiring stories from all of you as well... Its a beautiful thing to have him watching and protecting us.

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🙏 nope not crazy, I’ve had great protection from events.

Your Faith triggered my reading this passage Hebrew 12:2

Looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our


Who for the joy

That was set before him-endured the cross,

Despising, the shame, and is seated at the right hand of God…

3….. is good too

Without FAITH we are hopelessly lost to fear


Faith without works is dead

Keep the Faith


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Like you I don’t go to church. Have. Bible study with friends. Tuff exterior to fend off a tuff fallen world.

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Heres a beautiful example of Gods Work!!


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I saw this on X

Instant Karma baby

God has a great sense of humor!!

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This article reminds me of one of my favorite quotes attributed to St. Augustine: “God, You are higher than my highest, and more inward than my inner most self.” I have this written on my wall. The possibilities are endless. 💗

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WOW I just could not stop reading this article it really resonates with me. I cannot wait for part 3.

Remember, remember the 5th of November...

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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This is the best description of how religion and science are not conflicting. I absolutely have no doubt that many, including yourself, have been gifted with various talents, intellectual abilities, common sense, experience and the gift of seeing the big picture while, at the same time, understanding the ‘logic’ that exists.

God has used many through the history to accomplish His will here, and it also makes sense that the universe IS alive and there is an awareness. It also explains why all of this is so hated by the cabal. Instead of the dumbed down, easily manipulated and controlled sheep who are only self aware and totally materialistic, freeing ourselves from the cabal, ensures we can explore the various ways God has gifted His creation. All of our lives have been filled with distractions and illusions.

I’m not stupid, but I lack the mathematical background to completely comprehend what you’ve described. I also know, as a music-lover, particularly classical, mathematics is key. Beethoven composed excellent works while completely deaf. Singing in a group allows people from all over, with different opinions, etc. do something together that ‘soothes the soul’ of the audience. Singing in a larger group changes the neurons in the brain, according to a neurologist that spoke at a singing conference.

You’ve opened many eyes with your excellent articles and I can’t wait for part 3!

God bless you!!🙏🙏

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Amazing articles!

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Having written on this sort of thing for decades, I am pleased to see the CTMU exists.

Part Three is required... and we await perfection.

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I read both articles and am anxiously awaiting the third. Miracles happen, I can attest to this as I've seen them and was made an active participant in some. Not necessarily of my own conscious choosing. But I believe I'm not alone, I believe most of us have had miracles in our lives. Just some don't view them as miracles. They just believe it's life. If we pay attention to the small details we get shown the whole as the small are just pieces of the whole, yet contain the whole. A drop of rain and a drop of ocean spray are very similar, each contain a part of, and the whole within. We are each a child of God, and an individual expression of the whole of God Consciousness. As without so it is within, as above so below. As a man thinketh so is he. We were created in the image of the one creator, we are designed to create. We have been convinced by the programming that we are nothing but chattel. But chattel don't create uinverse's... When one does dream work and starts to understand the physical interaction mentally with Dimethyltryptamine and connect to the dream state. Take from those states of consciousness where the lucidity and vivid realness of that dream state connect to an awakening from the dream state to question which state was really the real state. A contemplation of the matrix we exist within starts to expose itself to our understanding of our level of consciousness. We are designed to have a personal connection to our I AM, or that slice of God Consciousness spark that exists within each of us. We are a slice of light of consciousness. when we connect with that light we get higher level informational downloads that expand our thinking abilities. In the game theory language we level up. We passed the tests of the previous level and start a new level of the same game. But we are not restricted to only one game. I think I've rambled on enough... Just quiet your mind and body and meditate or pray to gain that contact with your I AM that exists within the quietness of YOU... Peace...

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thx 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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Never understood these "Q" ramblings, but found myself following them because I got accused of being a "QAnon" theorist on another substack comment site - needed to find out what I was being accused of. Still haven't really figured it out - but - just happened to be reading," Echoes of Eden - Paul Wallis ". Funny, it mentions Gnostic Gospels, Gospels of Matt & Luke, also known as "Q". AM I on to something here? ( Great books/info if you need some understanding of biblical interpretation and spiritualism )

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"In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God."

Word, and Logos confer slightly different meanings in the most esoteric, and mysterious of the synoptic Gospels. Logos is the devine logic inherent in the entirety of God's creation, and is a better translation, in some ways, than Word, although God's Word is a powerful tool that is mentioned throughout the Bible.

This is a brilliant series, and I look forward to the next chapter. The brilliant physicist Irwin Schrodinger stated that the number of minds in the universe is one.

God's creation is seemingly a way for our Creator to experience untold aspects of Himself. Rudolf Steiner was a brilliant academic, and an initiate who released volumes of esoteric Christianity during his lifetime as a professor in Germany up until his death in the 1920's. Like Edgar Cayce, he could read the Akashic Record, and so he let out, as did Cayce, a great deal of information about the fact of reincarnation, and other aspects of Christ Jesus, that have bern intentionally hidden from humanity. Interestingly, Cayce said that John The Baptist, and Mary were Essenes. It wasn't until about a decade, and a half after Cayce's death that the Dead Seas Scrolls were discovered, and confirmed what Cayce already knew.

Reincarnation is often hinted at in the New Testament, but eventually the Roman Empire through brute force, politics, and subterfuge gained control of the Christian Canon through the "Holy" Roman Catholic Church, and expunged many things, including the spirit from the three-fold nature of humanity, body, soul, and spirit. I believe it best to stay away from church as many, perhaps most, are really brainwashing institutions that have the ability to interfere in your relationship with Christ Jesus. Many churches are in reality very evil. That doesn't mean that all Catholics are evil, but as an institution rife with sexual abuse of children,vand child trafficking, it is very, very evil.

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Hebrews 9:27 in the written word of God, the Bible, tells us "And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment." Reincarnation is a lie. There is no "second chance" for salvation after this life ends. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ now; call upon Him for mercy and forgiveness of sins and be saved.

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I'm every bit a follower of Christ Jesus as are you so please spare me your silly preaching.You're very brainwashed so, of course, you'll ignore evidence when it's presented to you so, first, just 2 pieces of evidence of reincarnation in the New Testament. There are many more, just as there are more passages that contradict it, of which youve only cited one.

Matthew 16:13-14: “When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ They replied, ‘Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’" Only John the Baptist was a contemporary of Jesus the others were long dead.

The most well-documented psychic in history is Edgar Cayce. He was a devout Christian, who in his early readings, in a hypnogogic state, spoke about the past lives of people but could not remember what he said in his hypnogogic state. When informed he spoke of past lives he freaked out because Christians no longer believe in it. Early Christians knew it is real. Cayce also stated that John the Baptist, and Mary were Essenes 15 years before this was verified when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. He gave tens of thousands of readings, all rigorously documented, and they're amazing. He had an 8th grade education, yet cured people of horrible illnesses. Numerous physicians, and psychologists have reviewed his work, and have wriiten amazing books about it. You're too closed minded to be motivated to read them.

As he went along he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:1-2) How could a man have sinned, and be born blind? Only if it were past life karma, that's how.

The University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies has thousands of rigorously documented cases from around the world of children who remember their previous life. Typically a child who recalls a past life does so up until the age of 5. They often know an address where they lived, and the names of people they lived with. Many times the researchers bring the child to their previous home, and they recognize people there, and know their names, which sometimes freaks the people out. Often times a person who.dies a violent death will be reborn with scars such as where a bullet entered, and exited the body.

You're a rather typical closed-minded Christian so you'll ignore evidence because it contradicts your brainwashing. You need things to be simple, as your preacher pimping Christ Jesus for profit every Sunday tells you they are as you're putting money in the basket. The evil "Holy" Roman Catholic Church removed the spirit from the three part nature of man, which is body, soul, and spirit. The Roman Empire gained control over the Christian Canon under the religious garb of the "Holy" Roman Catholic Church in order to use it to control humanity. The mistranslations of the text, the books that were eliminated, and numerous other issues that the Roman Church, these were often pagans, imposed on the Bible have been well-researched,cand exposed. You need things simple so go ahead and ignore evidence.

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In your example of Matthew above, Jesus responded “and who do YOU say that I am” and Peter’s response was “ you are the Christ, the Son of The Living God”. Jesus did not acknowledge reincarnation in that passage. I do not like the way you discounted the commenter (who is a regular around here) and dismissed her as brainwashed. You may be right, you may be wrong, point is you don’t know. God knows and all will be revealed.

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I didnt claim Jesus acknowledged reincarnation in that passage, so you clearly have an issue with reading comprehension. His disciples alluded to it by claiming people thought Christ was someone who was long dead

except for John the Baptist, who was a contemporary of Jesus. Reincarnation has been known to be a fact for many millennia, and the people of that region knew it to be a fact.

You too choose to ignore evidence, which is a hallmark of ignorance. I don't like that you're an anonymous shit poster but that's just me. Read Ian Stevenson', M.D.'s book "Children Who Remember Previous Lives A Question Of Reincarnation." I'd guess you won't because you don't like to challenge your own certainty. You'll ignore evidence when presented with it. You're quite like the people who ignore evidence that modRNA injections are bioweapons, and instead line up to get them injected in their arms. I know many people like you.

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@americanhypnotist troll in the house. Might be an orc.

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Your trite idiocy is amusing only in that it's a certain indicator of lack of intellect. Even relatively attenuated intellects like yours ocassionally manage wit which must be way beyond your capability.

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Excellent perspective. “ future proves past”

This makes prophecy come alive. Teflon Don

Q go on.

Seems slowly all is being exposed in the process

Of not only saving our country, but entertaining what is really happening. Time is an interesting phenomenon. Our Lord is not bound by time.

Truly believe Gods Wins, draw close to Me I will draw close to you. We who among the flock knows his voice, signs, intuitional spontaneous guidance.

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I think you are right, American Hypnotist! I have been suspecting that we were experiencing a divine intervention since about mid-2016, while closely following Trump's actions. When I first started reading Q shortly thereafter, I at first thought it was simply a psyop by some very smart hackers. But then there were too many coincidences, too many direct info drops that I knew would probably pan out, and when I looked, they did. Trump was dropping clues all over the place too!

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It is the case that Nicholas of Cusa, at the 15 Century Council of Florence in Italy, used the Platonic solids as a pedagogical means to prove the existence of God, Imago Viva Dei, and Capax Dei; which gave birth to the Golden Renassance. Similarly, the Astro physicist, Johannes Kepler, in the 16th Century, demonstrated the harmonic ordering of the universe and planetary orbits via his study of the Platonic solids. His work was not translated until the 20th Century. humankind indeed is made in the image and likeness of God, and we have the capacity of creation in manifesting heaven on earth. The notion that a god ordained that his only begotten son be crucified, as a human sacrifice, is an outrageous, and perhaps greatest lie instigated and perpetuated by the occult, satanic agents. Behold the Man!

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You have said we have the capacity of creation, and yes that is true. And the why behind God's will is not always clear to us, is it? I wonder why about a lot of things, much like Eve did I imagine. Doubting God is not something I do anymore though, because I have accepted that while I have the capacity to understand why, I do not always yet know God well enough to get it. So in the meantime, I trust Him, and continue to seek Him. In my contemplation about the natural world I notice that there is no place in the creation that is still, or unchanging. We are surrounded by creative energy, all the time. Every living thing responds to it, and that means we too are always creating, even unintentionally. So being in tune with God assures your creative energy is well spent!

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It feels like us Anons have created a new thought stream that is growing and influencing the ethers which in turn seeps into the minds of people around us. Pretty powerful. Exciting times ahead.

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Good post. I thought of the practice of a strong prayer life when I read the following: "From our human perspective, this essentially means that God can alter the present or the past from the future. And, as we will see soon enough, it is scientifically provable that we can do the same thing, to a certain degree. The implications of this are nothing short of jaw-dropping: your ability to influence reality increases the closer you get to God, and this influence need not be 'time bound' in any conventional sense." The science of it is perhaps why consistent formulaic devotions, akin to the insistent knocking on a door, can impact the world at a level where we don't have the arrogance to think we did it ourselves. Thank you.

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