I'm a 76 Y-O Englishman, living in the East Midlands. I'm working class, never attended University. I'm noy a criminal, and have never been tempted to pursue criminality as a lifestyle, as some do. I particularly enjoyed reading what Justin Deschamps had to say about the Law, and legal Systems. From what I've read, legal systems the world over are largely the same, and the thing about them all is that they are built and composed in such a way that ordinary people cannot usually find their way about inside them. Therefore every Nation has an army of well-versed and well-heeled lawyers to help those trapped by that system to make sense of it. I describe these people as well-heeled, because, of course, the ordinary people have to pay for this help, sometimes a considerable amount of money changes hands for not very much work. Here in England, and I'm sure almost everywhere else, one cannot buy a house without the aid of a Solicitor, or make one's will, or whatever. There are very few instances involving conflict between an ordinary citizen and officialdom in which a lawyer does not become involved, for a fee, of course. I'm inclined to think that these people are parasites on society, and that the Law is written to make them indisepensible in almost every circumstance. Why? Why cannot the Law be written in such a way that ordinary people can understand it without having to spend several years learning the language? It's something for which I can only see one explanation, it's a fix.

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Spot on Derek. One of the ways we know a legal system is not in accord with the rule of law is that it is hard to make sense of so as to use properly. But since a legal system is just a rule system, then surely it doesn't have to be so complicated, unless you want to obscure the law form the people so they don't know how badly they are getting taken to the cleaners. The law, in it's ideal form, is simple, easy, and requires no "experts." But it does require expert knowledge in the same way driving a car requires expert knowledge—that is to say, competent, complete knowledge sufficient enough to effect reliable and effective results. Thus, the law must be restored while at the same time, we who are subjected to the law must become literate again.

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VERY well stated!

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I completely agree with this analysis of the concept of the rule of law!

The administrative functioning of countries like France, or even worse the European Union, seems designed to make non-existent professions emerge just to control, validate and frame the implementation of laws, regulations and norms that have become more and more complex, to the point of constituting a real "system of systems" that is totally ubiquitous!

This is one of the fundamental causes of our economic AND societal collapse.

It is one of the probable causes, along with the submission of our leaders to the diktats of the rating agencies and the European Union, too often detached from the realities of the citizens!

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It most certainly is; we were programmed and analytical thinking removed so we can’t maneuver without lawyers. We must, as our author stated, educate ourselves in the law.

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Very well done!

“the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. I used to think this was a fear of punishment from God. One of Jordan Peterson’s lectures helped me to understand this better. Maybe rephrase it to this; “the respect of Universe is the beginning of wisdom”.

You live by the Law of Universe, you will have success. You live against the Law of Universe, disaster.

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Agreed. The meaning of the older phrase has been distorted over the years due to lack of contextual understanding.

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Very educational. Very provocative.

“Ordo Ab Chao” (from chaos, order) is apparently a precept of freemasonry.

It’s such a superficially comforting phrase until one realizes that everything depends on who’s order one is talking about, right?

Very much looking forward to future installments!

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Precisely. And we should be careful to reject all order from chaos, as a notion, merely because the brat-children of God (the freemasons et al) have given it a bad name.

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Vibrational medicine works on all infectious agents, organs, all plants, veggies, animals, fish, etc., on people,

the way the sand video worked with sand. This sounds jumbled, but it’s order from the chaos of traditional Western medicine.

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I use it frequently for muscle soreness after working out. Also for neck stiffness. Extremely therapeutic.

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Just turn the dial, change the frequency, and you get a different result. The laws of physics have not changed; the shape and size and mass and stiffness of the plate (which control its resonances) have not changed -- all that changes is the frequency chosen by the Controller.

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Yes and no. We decide the controller.

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But our generation and the couple of previous ones have been dumbed down or programmed to have the ‘controller’ decided for us. That’s changing thankfully!

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Yes it is :)

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Well written and easy to understand. Wow! is the best word I have. Thank you. Looking forward to the next article.

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Very well written and lots of food for thought. DJT knew all along he would be fighting a huge deeply entrenched and established deep state/cabal, corrupt government. Giving our government back to We the People is, in my little mind, exactly why that deep state/cabal/globalists are amping up their actions to hang on to their power and money. I am so grateful for the writers at Badlands Media who are digging and researching and sharing all this information. I have learned much since the virus was unleashed upon us, shaking my wife and family and I out of our collective "all is well" mindset, ignorant of just how bad things had gotten over the years. Today we are not fearful, for we know, not only that is God in control, but that events that are occurring seemingly daily, are not happenstance nor coincidence, but planned. Looking forward to the next installment.

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Well said, Mr. Deschamps.

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Oh my goodness, this article was GREAT! I learned a lot and very much looking forward to more on these topics!

You have given me much to think about Justin.....so, when Trump talks about the rule of law, he really does know what he's talking about and that it works for us, not against us...Wow!

p.s. on a different note or should I say 'frequency' hahahahaha...my hero is Nikola Tesla...just sayin'

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Hello EternallyHis 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

Regarding your PS :

I offer you to have look to a long comment in an article from Joe LANGE, where I asked him to search and explore the incredible connections around Nikola TESLA (between 1900 and 1943) that exist with Donald Trump elder brother, Elon Musk, JP Morgan or Georges Westinghouse...

I just FOUND IT !! 😀🏆


🇺🇸 ✝️ 🇫🇷

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Thank you...thank you...thank you Trumpist de La Fayette!!! Very interesting indeed!

The best truly is yet to come!!!!!!!!!!!

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What a fantastic read, It's very concise and easy read and, while I've been following these events as they played out in real time before our eyes, it's really nice to have a documented example to share with others who are often resistant to this type of information. Thank you for your time and effort for the cause of understanding and more importantly... freedom

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What did Trump hint at? Take another look, then I'll tell you. “What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people." The second word or truth is what he's hinting at to go between Patriots. Lies are for the Ds and the others who were never elected. The rest of the quote is well known. Thank you for bringing it out.

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Great work! Maybe a book is coming. Much needed. Thank you for truth.

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Thank you.

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Great article!

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Reassuring 🇺🇸🙏

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One of the best descriptions of why and how the rule of law applies to all of God’s creation. Order out of chaos in the sciences and the same applies fairly to mankind’s civilization. Excellent!!

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