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It’s Thursday afternoon, November 10, 2022 at the time of writing.
Since Arizona polls closed on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, the results of approximately 62,000 ballots have been released for Maricopa County, Arizona, home of Phoenix and its surrounding communities.
Maricopa County has about 4.5 MILLION residents.
And 62,000 ballots have been counted.
In two full days.
As Charlie Kirk said this morning, “The most committed, loyal Republican voters in Arizona have not even had their envelopes opened yet.”
Not only is the national and international media descending on Arizona, but the memes have begun flowing in earnest.
My precious state is currently the laughingstock, not only of the country, but of the WORLD.
But not for long, friends.
Kari Lake WILL win. It’s not IF; IT’S WHEN.
Because of the crisp communication of her uncommon common-sense goals, I believe Arizonans likely backed Kari Lake at a rate of 3 to 1.
We did our job. We turned out to the polls in droves on election day.
For those that don’t live in Arizona, here’s a quick look at why I believe our elections are where they are.
For many years, Arizona has been a mail-in ballot state, and the majority of Arizonans have loved the convenience (aka laziness) of that process.
But 2020 made us realize voting-by-mail was fraught with corruption, and the AZ GOP and Republican candidates have done a great job in convincing conservative voters to NOT mail in their ballots. The result of that encouragement saw a flood of voters push Kari Lake through the August 2 primary through election day voting.
Tuesday’s election was much the same. Even if an Arizona voter still received their ballot by mail, the majority of conservative voters either dropped that ballot off at the polls on Tuesday OR they went into the polling place to vote in-person on election day.
My personal experience:
I filled out my ballot at home, taking the time to thoughtfully research candidates and propositions.
I brought that ballot to the polling place to use as a reference when voting in-person.
A poll worker had me sign into the computer to confirm that I was a registered voter and checked my ID against the information in the computer to ensure everything synced up.
The election worker saw I had a ballot in my hand, so she asked me, “Is that your cheater ballot?” I looked at her sideways and said, “I guess so, but DON’T EVER CALL IT THAT AGAIN. I’m using it as a reference during voting.” Sigh.
She then “spoiled” the ballot I brought from home by marking it up with a fat black marker.
My confirmed registration triggered a “fresh” ballot being printed for me. Luckily, I was at one of the polling places where they had enough paper and ink for the printers to work. Sigh.
But not-so-luckily, there wasn’t a working tabulation machine at my poll. So, I was forced to put it into the now-infamous “Box 3.” That didn’t inspire confidence that my vote would count, to be sure.
But here’s what we CAN be sure of: Kari Lake WILL win.
Yesterday Kari said she’s already meeting with her transition team. Her confidence is oozing out of every pore and is lifting the spirits of Arizonans and Republicans across the country.
While on the campaign trail, she clearly communicated that her #1 priority after being sworn in was to “declare an invasion” on Arizona’s border with Mexico. In early October, Kari appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation and said:
“If you know the Constitution, you know that Article 4, Section 4 calls for the federal government to protect us from invasion, and under Joe Biden’s lack of leadership, we just aren’t seeing that. And we have an invasion at our border, the cartels, these narco-terrorist groups have operational control. And they’re using Arizona to smuggle people, to traffic children and to traffic the most dangerous drug we’ve ever seen, fentanyl.
And so, we’re going to invoke our Article One, Section 10—authority to take care of our own border and protect our own border. It’s right there in black and white in the Constitution. And we meet all three criteria, we have an invasion, our people are in imminent danger, and time is of the essence. There’s no time for delay. So, we’re going to have other states offer help. I’ve already got a couple other governors who are willing to help out.”
And now, because of the ongoing fiasco of the 2022 midterm election, election reform has joined the border crisis as a ‘Day 1’ priority for Kari.
Wednesday night, Kari appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show about the chaos in Arizona elections.
Tucker: “Did anyone know this was gonna happen? Are you confident it’s on the level? It’s just so outrageous. What IS this?”
Kari: “I’m not shocked at all. They’ve been calling me an ‘election denier.’ I’ve been sounding the alarm on 2020, the November 3rd election, which was disastrous. And we had problems in the August 2nd primary, as well. And now we have the same problems. They’ve had all this time to get this figured out.
I want all Democrats, Independents, and Republicans to trust in the system. And when I win—and trust me, WE WILL WIN THIS—this is gonna be top of my agenda. Day One, I’m going to take my hand off the Bible, and we’re issuing a declaration of invasion at the border. And I’m getting my lawmakers, I’m getting the legislators to a special session to change our elections so that they’re fair, honest, and transparent—and we will get rid of those machines that are not reliable. Obviously, we saw what kind of problems they can cause.
And you don’t have election season—you have election DAY, paper ballots, and you count them right there in the precinct.”
With all that being said, something occurred to me.
Yes, Kari will declare an invasion into Arizona from Mexico.
Yes, Kari will gather lawmakers into special session to put common-sense laws into place, so Arizona is no longer likened to a third-world country in the future.
Here’s the missing piece, friends. The unspoken top priority.
Kari Lake is the key that will unlock the fraud of the 2020 election.
The country and the world watched Arizona go through an extensive audit of the 2020 election during a significant portion of 2021. Remember all those folks in the colored t-shirts sifting through crate after crate of ballots, looking at them under a blacklight, inspecting every jot and tittle?
They found MYRIAD problems with the 2020 election.
But the mainstream media, Democrats, and even some Republicans were crafty in how they responded to the audit. Their narrative was to focus ONLY on the hand recount’s confirmation of the official vote—and totally ignored other critical issues.
And the public believed them.
Gateway Pundit’s article, BREAKING: THE LIST – Nearly 700,000 Maricopa County Ballots Identified with Issues from the Audit and Separate Canvassing Work to Date, provides a great recap of the Maricopa County audit results, as well as results from the canvassing of the county.
Bottom line: Arizona’s electoral college votes were awarded to Joe Biden based on a popular vote margin of 10,547. But the audit and canvas uncovered 698,239 ballots with issues.
You do the math.
It’s obvious that neither Donald J. Trump nor Kari Lake has ‘given up’ on reconciling the 2020 election. They mention it in almost every speech.
My guess? Almost immediately after Kari Lake is sworn into office as Governor of the State of Arizona in January, she will use her significant megaphone to re-open and reframe the debate about the theft of the 2020 election.
And this time, people will listen … and the media will be held accountable to telling the TRUTH … And Arizona will be the first of MANY dominoes to fall.
I love dominoes!
It’s time to return the diamonds.
And “watch the water.”
Our friend Q said “watch the water” three times.
Her name is Kari LAKE.
Strap yourself in, folks! And GIDDY UP!
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I agree my friend! Kari is a major player on the chessboard to overturn the election
Beautiful Kitty! This is an angle I had not considered and it makes perfect sense. AZ is the Keystone and the water to watch. A more poise, eloquent and beloved candidate for Gov would be difficult to find. And the people are supposed to believe she was displaced by a sniveling little ballot hoarder and basement dweller? Masterful move on the part of the Q team!