I agree my friend! Kari is a major player on the chessboard to overturn the election

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It's great to live in Arizona, Joe!

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Beautiful Kitty! This is an angle I had not considered and it makes perfect sense. AZ is the Keystone and the water to watch. A more poise, eloquent and beloved candidate for Gov would be difficult to find. And the people are supposed to believe she was displaced by a sniveling little ballot hoarder and basement dweller? Masterful move on the part of the Q team!

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I TOTALLY agree, FloridaDove! Kari has many great years ahead of her! She says flat out that she won't be Governor for four years, but for EIGHT—and that makes sense to me! She needs to get time under her belt to learn how deep the Swamp is, and she's in the perfect state to learn that! Thanks for your comment!

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Water Flows.

Water Goes.

Water Nourishes,

The Seeds

That Are Sown.

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Beautiful, Paul!

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Excellent assessment and you are correct! I believe Maricopa County is the key! As Governor, Kari Lake not only has the tools (and much more critically) the WILL to fix the border, but she will also have access to the entire audit of 2020. She will not allow it to sit any longer. And, as anyone who has followed Capt Seth’s reports on the 2020 election, or True the Vote’s data, knows the cheating was massive! Widespread and quite effective. But, it has all been captured and the remedy is about to be initiated. All who participated in any way will be held accountable; and the traitors among us? What is the penalty for treason?

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RIGHT ON, AI! There will be deep satisfaction for Arizonans who have been so frustrated with our corrupt politicians when the perp walks begin! BRING 'EM ON!

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We kicked worthless, useless Brnovich to the curb.

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He has been SUCH a disappointment! It was all over with the nunchucks, right? SMH.

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The penalty for treason in times of war is death. And Trump told us, we are at war. Which is why Devolution/COG.

So the bad guys better be watching their backs. MAGA never forgets.

"whoever, owing allegiance to the united states, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the united states or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death" 18 USC 2381

https://www.law.cornell.edu › uscode › text › 18 › 2381

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There is no immunity clause for any office holder for treason, sedition! Is that not what Obama and Biden committed just a few nights ago Re: our democracy (NOT)!

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My LORD I’m glad I opened my first page here💯 please this is resurrection day I feel fine just gotta get these grave clothes off and do some Dancing make some coffee kiss my hubby thank you for posting!

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LOL—thanks for the chuckle, wetcloud! I'm dancin' over here, too! It's a GREAT time to be alive!

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Uhhh War Cloud here? Rain-in-the Face? Paleface?... War Dance? Whooping and all that stuff?

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What about Redcloud? Little Big Man? or Naked Squaw????? Let Hubby decide!

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Watch the water....Kari LAKE !! 💡💡💡

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RIGHT?!?! Are we having FUN yet????

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I think it ironic, and awesome, that Kari Lake, as a former member of the MSM, is going to have the biggest bull horn...

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PIngman, I worked in Phoenix MSM for 26 years, but I never worked alongside Kari. She was MADE for such a time as this, wasn't she?? It's EXCITING!

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Praying God will raise up others from the media to see the light, repent, and follow in her footsteps!

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Margot, I'm praying right along with you, sis! I know they're slowly but surely starting to see the light. But as a former member of the MSM myself, I am so EXCITED to see Kari confronting their implicit or complicit involvement in what's wrong with our country! As she said to them the other day (paraphasing), "For the next eight years, I'm going to be your WORST nightmare—and I'm going to TEACH YOU to be real JOURNALISTS!"

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Robert J. Borer on substack - A write in for Gov of Ne - fighting the good fight with ferocity - and they are hoding from him!

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“When the Levee Breaks”

By: Led Zeppelin (adapted)

“When the levee (fraudulent election ) breaks,

They’ll have no place to stay...

Mean ol levee (fraud) taught em to

Weep & moan...

Cryin won’t help you, prayin

Won’t do you no good...

When the levee (lyin) breaks,

Mama, you got to move...

All last night sat on the levee

(fraudulent election) & moaned...

Goin, goin to Chicago...

Goin down...goin down now...

Goin down...

If it keeps on rainin

Levee’s (fraudulent ballots) gonna break...

When the levee (cheatin) breaks

They’ll have no place to stay...”

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Brilliant, Lorrie! But I cringed about "Chicago"—I grew up there and experienced corruption first-hand when our local law enforcement "shook down" my Daddy for payoffs. Unfortunately, they didn't bank on the fact that he was a moral man, and they went to prison!

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We can only hope & pray that soon justice will be restored; & that all the bad actors (Fed, state, city, local leaders & judges) will be removed & reproved for their feigned ways & reprehensible rulings.

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Beat it! Scram you varmits!

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You have just Written, the Opening, to The BlockBuster Movie, of This NEW Millennium.

Kudos, seems a pale reflection.


Good Luck, Governor,

& ALL Helpers !

Day 1: Tear It Open,

Like ya startin' a mower.

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What a sweet, encouraging word, Paul! THANK YOU! I can't WAIT to see what unfolds!

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Paul, thanks for making me LOL this morning! My response: Never interrupt your enemy when he's in the process of destroying himself! The slow roll the Dems are using is HILARIOUS—over the last couple of days, they've been rolling out ballots from traunches where goofball Katie Hobbs and their other inept candidates have done well. I totally wish I could be a fly on the wall, watching them LOSE THEIR MINDS! They have no path here. None.

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Is John Fetterman not the perfect Poster Boy for the steal?? Normies will understand this. There is just no way this brain damaged man could've won. Fetterman's neck lump will break through to many who have been sleeping regarding just how massive the cheating is.

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Don't worry yourself into a lather, PhillySpecial. Fetterneck is not likely to serve a day in the Senate. He will step down and be replaced by the Governor of the Commonwealth by someone far, far more radical. All part of the program.

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Not worried one bit! I think he was put there to wake up some sheep because no one with a brain (I know, that excludes most libs) can believe this Orc got any votes at all. It has to be an op!

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Weird - at my polling station in Gilbert, they told me to keep my mail in ballot and use it for reference when I filled out my in-person ballot. Why aren't election rules consistent??? Can't wait for Governor Kari Lake to get to the bottom and change things!

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Same for me, Lost. Did they spoil your ballot before you took it into the booth?

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No I still have my mail in ballot. They were not interested in it.

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Think Phoenix Rising!

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WTG, RM! Actually, I'm working on an article called ARIZONA Rising!

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Send General George Crook and John Wayne After them!

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Loved your email article. Very interesting, easy to read...and light on moment about the Kari Lake "water" comment.

Thank you!

Love Kari and Kitty, you ROCK!

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Thanks for your sweet encouragement, Lora! I'm DELIGHTED to be a part of the Badlands Media team!

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France, with a population of 67+ million, much bigger than any state in the American republic, votes via paper ballots tucked in paper envelopes. No absentee voting. No early voting. Election workers hand count the votes in a matter of hours and report out result

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I had heard that, Claude! Our entire country's election system needs a good, deep overhaul, to be sure. I'd love to see a coalition of America First Governors get together to collaborate on common goals. I think that's coming!

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Here's the thing - when you try to catch a rat, fish, rabbit, ... , thief, .... , ya have to be tricky, bait the hook cunningly, disguise the trap door, etc! Whose to say that it's not possible that Trump and desantis are not in cahoots and will very soon, be President and VP, and will have or will expose the traitors! If we must play this stupid, maddening game thru to 2024, then let Both Trump and Desantis run for President and team up, Use the debates, speeches to do the exposing of the deeply hidden traitors and watch them lie, run, hide, rat on and blame each other, jump out of windows, .....!

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With you 100%, Larry! I believe POTUS is using his language about DeSantis to smoke out the RINOs. He's very cunning. He doesn't do ANYTHING without a purpose. We need to be cool as a cucumber, brother!

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Thank you and RJB for "preparing me to stand"!

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Kari is the key!

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Yes yes YES!!!

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