Margot, I'm praying right along with you, sis! I know they're slowly but surely starting to see the light. But as a former member of the MSM myself, I am so EXCITED to see Kari confronting their implicit or complicit involvement in what's wrong with our country! As she said to them the other day (paraphasing), "For the next eight years, I'm going to be your WORST nightmare—and I'm going to TEACH YOU to be real JOURNALISTS!"
I think it ironic, and awesome, that Kari Lake, as a former member of the MSM, is going to have the biggest bull horn...
PIngman, I worked in Phoenix MSM for 26 years, but I never worked alongside Kari. She was MADE for such a time as this, wasn't she?? It's EXCITING!
Praying God will raise up others from the media to see the light, repent, and follow in her footsteps!
Margot, I'm praying right along with you, sis! I know they're slowly but surely starting to see the light. But as a former member of the MSM myself, I am so EXCITED to see Kari confronting their implicit or complicit involvement in what's wrong with our country! As she said to them the other day (paraphasing), "For the next eight years, I'm going to be your WORST nightmare—and I'm going to TEACH YOU to be real JOURNALISTS!"
Robert J. Borer on substack - A write in for Gov of Ne - fighting the good fight with ferocity - and they are hoding from him!