THANK YOU soooooo much for this series of articles! My mother was an avid reader of “history” (particularly Russia) and was always looking for another writer’s opinion, not just blindly believing. She taught me a LOT and I am so sad that she passed and I am unable to share Badlands and Joe Lange with her! THANKS

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You had a great mother who taught you some reason valuable wisdom my friend.

What a blessing she was for you.

Much love friend!

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Excellent article ‼️ moves and countermoves. Thank you for this Joe ❤️🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏‼️

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Blessings Nancy!! Thanks my friend!!

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

And people keep asking the question "Why dont you trust the gubbermint?"

A: because its infested with the rotting carcasses of liars and traitors....Dont Hilary and Obama Look OLD now? No more hotdog parties for you...

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You’re exactly right. I don’t think they sleep well at all and I live for the day they are publicly arrested and put on trial for treason and crimes against humanity.

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

I am so looking forward to that day also when they are "arrested and put on trial for treason and crimes against humanity" and many more that are also guilty of the same!

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

I do believe the punishment for treason is hanging!

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They brought back the Federal death penalty when Trump was president for a reason!

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Me too, Joe!

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Old & gross

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Great work! This article explains a great deal about the pallets of cash, the Syria aspect and the movie we are all watching! Brilliant writing.

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Thank you Terry!

I’m not sure if you read my earlier article in this series where I focused on the pallets of cash.

Here’s the link:


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Joe IS a fabulous writer.

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I appreciate you Marilyn!!❤️

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Joe, when the Earth is finally suffused with peace, this article can serve as part of the framework for a marvelous (truthful) historical screenplay you can write, one far surpassing those written by Tom Clancy. You may need to make it a trilogy.

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Thank you Sonia!! This series just keeps growing because the rabbit hole keeps getting deeper.

I know where the end will be but there is so much important information that must be revealed to really grasp what the world was really up against.

I want Trump and our military to get the credit they deserve and I don’t think they really do.

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

I think you're very right about that.

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I’m glad you’re going step by step. There’s no way we could grasp the magnitude of this if you didn’t walk us through each detail.

I assume you will compile this into a book.

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I think the details are important for understanding the full picture.

I don’t know about a book but I do think this whole series will be compiled when I’m finally finished.

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Jun 12Liked by Joe Lange

I hope so. Your writing is excellent. I love your articles.

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That makes my heart smile Janet!! Thank you very much!!

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Jun 20Liked by Joe Lange

Truthfully. I don't think a trilogy would cover it all, but I'd buy every book, Joe

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I appreciate you Floridafan!!❤️

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

This is a great exposure of so many cabal’s goals thwarted by the truth being revealed. Yes, Al Waleed funded the Manchurian candidate’s education at the CIA’s school of choice, Harvard.

I became aware of the plot against Russia the minute Putin invaded Ukraine and the Al Waleed controlled media began screeching at the top of their lungs…..just like with Trump. The lightbulb came on. That led me to Burning Bright’s Righteous Russia series and I began questioning each article. I was already convinced that HRC was deeply involved in taking out Gaddafi by her actions and had begun researching the Clinton Foundation and Haiti.

I knew through reading that Ukraine had the reputation for child trafficking and as a treaty compliance officer, was trained on the (classified) treaties controlling chemical and biological weapons. When Bio Clandestine revealed the labs, I looked at what was posted (10 acknowledged) and then went on to see what other labs DoD, DARPA, etc. acknowledged….over a couple hundred around the world.

I’m thrilled you found ‘the rest of the story’ on Syria because once Putin was attacked, I started looking at Assad differently. Did NOT know what was planned there. Re: U1.

Your articles connect so many dots that I’m now convinced that this has to be one of the gifts God blessed you with. Just as all of the connections helped the cabal and its minions worldwide get control of the majority of mankind (with the US specifically targeted as well as Russia) and secretly maintain that control; these same connections are the threads to be pulled to destroy this evil blight on the world.

I also agree with your conclusion on Tom Clancy, author ‘testifying’ to Congress? I’ve read a LOT other authors that have individuals supposedly doing CIA work around the world to save the US….even admitting to black op funding and torture sites in these fictional novels. These stories are likely based on real events and the authors controlled. How did Clancy die? One of the other authors died young of cancer? (Makes me wonder about John Grissom’s novels on the corruption in the justice system.)

God bless you, Joe, for sharing your gifts….. We readers are blessed!🙏🙏

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Great comments ALtab!!

I always appreciate your encouragement!!

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I think it was Vince Flynn who died young from cancer. He was the author of the Mitch Rapp series. I used to enjoy his books, but now I see their purpose- convincing the public that the CIA as patriotic

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Yes, he was one I read….good books and plots. After reflection (and lots of new knowledge), believe most based on actual events.

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I think I have read most of the authors of CIA heros. I haven’t been able to read any since I started reading Q and now Joe. Reading is such a joy for me but once this whole storm I will have to find another source of reading.

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Try the Lee Child books….you’ll like them. No CIA! The settings are all in the US. Have a great day!🙏🇺🇸

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I also read everyone of his books & couldn't believe he would die so young

Now I believe he was learning more than he should have known & the "clowns" did away with him

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

The real art of decoding is taking something complex and making it understandable. You've done that in your recent articles. In Bible teaching it's called exegesis. In my experience this is often a combination of gifting and diligent study. Keep it coming! Until then, I've got a sudden urge to watch The Two Towers again...something about dwarf tossing...

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Thank you for that! I had never heard that term before.

I do a lot of reading and research almost daily and I do believe I have a gift of discernment that helps me see things in a simple way so that it’s understandable.

My brain is wired to ask a lot of questions and look for the answers.

The rabbit hole continues to get deeper and the Q drops are making more sense as we watch things play out daily.

I really appreciate your kind words my friend!

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And your Two Towers comment made me laugh out loud!👊🏼👊🏼

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Joe, also wondered if there is a rerun of this nuclear scare coming to a theater near us? Kept thinking that while I was reading.

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I think that a possible nuclear war because of Biden’s corruption and incompetence is a purposeful narrative deployment to destroy the enemy.

Biden is being used as a millstone around their necks and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

But I see no chance at a nuclear war.

That window was already closed by Trump and our military.

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Guess I always thought that would be the SCARE EVENT Q mentioned. So what do you think it will be?

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I think the “possible” nuclear threat is a background narrative to cause fear of another Biden term, but I think the big event that is coming will be a market crash and will effect everyone’s wallet negatively because that is the only thing that will unite the country so we can bankrupt the global debt system and move into a new system that is open and honest with most transactions being peer to peer with honest money backed by gold.

After the crash, I think election fraud evidence will finally be seen in a court, which will trigger mass arrests for treason and will completely change everything.

Just my opinion though.

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

I have a suspicion that we will see some very significant things happening soon in the State of Texas (no, I don't live there).

Texas is now in the process of creating its own stock exchange. I suspect that they may also soon issue a new gold-backed currency, let's call it the Texas Dollar (TXD) pegged to gold at T$20 per ounce. Coincidentally the same value the USD had in 1900.

Now this currency will be completely convertible to gold, but few people will actually exercise that option because of transaction costs. Exchanging physical metal costs money because the metal must be stored safely, shipped from one place to another, and handled by metal brokers. All of that costs money in the form of 'premiums.' You always pay more to buy actual gold, than you get when you sell (if the value of the metal is constant).

One Texas Dollar will actually be worth a bit more than an ounce of gold, because (as with modern currencies) there are no or at worst minimal transaction costs. Why would you exchange a TXD for an ounce of gold, knowing you'd lose money when you sell the gold? A: You won't. Just knowing that you could, preserves the value; but for all intents and purposes, exchanges will be made in TXD rather than gold coins.

Texas has a unique place in American history, a unique relationship with the Federal government, and a unique attitude which you can see watching Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott. Texas is uniquely positioned to do things other states really can't, at least not until Texas shows them how. I also suspect a lot of other good things will be happening there soon, but I'm not really sure what they are. Time will tell.

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Those are some great comments and I agree with you my friend. As you know, I lived in Texas for many years and I can tell you what makes Texas unique in the country which gives them more freedom to lead the way.

Texas is still a Republic and lots of Texans still see it that way.

Texas is self sustaining for a reason and doesn’t like to be dependent on anybody else.

Blessings my friend!

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Yes, I probably should have said "Republic of Texas."

Your comment highlights the reason, for instance, that Texas has its own power grid, ERCOT.

Blessings back at you, Joe. What you do is very important work. 🙏

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Wild Bill, I am a proud Texan and it makes my heart sing to hear this news.

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You are sooo smart Wild Bill

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange


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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Interesting thoughts!

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

I think it still will be the scare event. Cuban missiles crisis x 100 and involving all nations. The scare event of all scare events. The sheep will finally reach their precipice and demand peace. Trump, as promised, will deliver it.

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That would be interesting!!

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According to von Braun's prediction, the "last card" they try to pull off will be the 'alien card'. See Carol Rosin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3w_0ixJyGE.

Remember Blue Beam, MKUltra, etc etc etc.....

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Joe, this is another fantastic article! Sharing it as always. This is like a soap opera. :) Every ending is a cliffhanger!

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Thanks my friend and I appreciate you sharing my work way more than you know!


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Jun 12Liked by Joe Lange

Outstanding, Joe Lange! You never cease to amaze with your investigative journalism! God bless and protect you! Dopey and Barry, a match made in hell if there ever was one! Hope I live to see these two demons reap what they have sown!

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Justice is coming for them!

Thanks for your encouragement!!

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Jun 12Liked by Joe Lange

You have another great article here. I particularly like finding out about BO Plenty’s deals because I think he is the oiliest, slickest sneak ever. I can’t wait until you tell us who paid for his Harvard education. But, I still haven’t forgotten about those funeral letters. I look forward to your next installment, and I thank you for all your work and effort.

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I’m still going to get to those funeral letters June.

I just need to bring Obama and the Clintons into the picture more before I do.

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Jun 12Liked by Joe Lange

I believe Dopey paid for Barry’s Harvard education. Did Dopey also finance Big Mike’s “higher” education?

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I’m not sure about that but he did finance Obama as his big puppet, which I will get into in my next article.

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Jun 12Liked by Joe Lange

This is fantastic! This is the sort of "future proves past", "news unlocks map" and "paint the picture" that I love. I often forget that people new to the truth movement missed out on The Drops when they were falling in real time and thus, probably missed out on all this priceless information. While I enjoy 'deltas' as much as most anons, I think this sort of 'dot connecting' is my favorite way to use The Drops. Thanks for putting everything together and refreshing our memory.

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Thank you!! That really made my heart smile.

That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to connect the dots and give the details on important things that I think a lot of people may have missed.

Blessings Cat Girl!!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

This is a great piece.

The degradation of the U.S., and our constitution began long before closeted homosexual narcissistic POS compulsive liar, and CIA Criminally Insane Asswipes stooge, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton came along.

It began early after our founding but was significantly ramped up after the Civil War, and then more so throughout the entire 20th Century with the creation of the FED; the creation of the petro dollar by closeted homosexual Heins Kissinger, an Asheknazim POS; the creation of two major criminal organizations, the FBI Feral Buttwipe Idiots, run by a closeted homosexual, cross-dressing, pedophile, and the CIA; the importation of Nazis shortly after Germany lost WWII on paper but won it in reality, then went on with the U.S., Five Eyes, Germany, and the rest of most of the NATO to create the Fourth Reich International; and then the Patriot Act of the 21st Century under W Bush, the son of closeted homosexual pedophile GHW Bush, a Fascist stooge of the CIA who, according to Paul Bonaci, a victim of the Franklin Scandal which ran concurrently while GHW was overseeing the narco and child trafficking of Iran Contra as V.P. having failed in his planned assassination of Reagan, liked abusing black boys. Bonaci won nearly a one million dollar judgement in court against our feral federal government.

Katherine Watt goes into great detail on her Substack about the numerous federal laws passed over many decades that make it "legal" for our feral federal government to use bioweapons on the population of the United States and the additional state laws that followed the feral federal legislation. It's all about declaring unending states of emergencies to coerce, control, and cull the population with propaganda, bioweapons, lock downs, and more. The eugenecists are firmly in control of the world, and have been for over a century.

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It really is unbelievable how depraved our governments and leaders are and I think it will frankly shock a lot of people when they find out.

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I always feel so winded after reading your work. Like head-spinning and the floor falling away. It’s absolutely wild.

It really sucks to have to wake up. But the alarm is blaring and there’s going to be no ignoring it for anyone in the coming days! Glad to be somewhat prepared for it - thanks in no small part to the gift of your work! Thank you!

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I think you’re right my friend. The entire world is about to be shocked by what’s about to happen.

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

"The bread crumbs given to a small band of anons to encourage them to dig and share quickly lit a fire around the world..."

I was trying to recall when Q told them to share quickly. Then I realised that you'd omitted a comma. ;-)

Interestingly, the number of errors in the Q posts dwarfs any typos made by you, Joe. Kinda ironic in view of what Q wrote in post 831.

As always, another excellent decode and, even though I followed Q from the beginning, I'm still learning new facts from you. Thank you!

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Thank you Manolis!! I’m still a rank amateur writer, only been doing it over a year now I think. I proofread but I always seem to miss something. I hated school, so I got that going for me!😁

I was following Q almost from the beginning too but I still discover stuff that I missed or didn’t understand because the news hadn’t unlocked the past yet.

More things are now making sense which makes it interesting to go back and dig into the drops.

I have some more interesting things coming I haven’t heard anybody really talking about.


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Jun 12Liked by Joe Lange

I can’t wait to read your next article

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Thank you Janet! I might start writing it tomorrow!!

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God must be inspiring & guiding you. Thank goodness he is ✝️

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God is in this fight and I owe everything to Him.

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I think you do an excellent job in all your articles & I'm no critic, but to me your writings are just " the bestest". God bless you, Joe

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Jun 11Liked by Joe Lange

Highly educational, thank you!! I appreciate your hard work in researching and laying it out in a way a lay person can understand. 🫶👏👏

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That means a lot Micah!! I had a real hard time with this article because of the many distractions I’ve had over the last few weeks.

I really appreciate your encouragement!!❤️

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