Whatever is said, I am not taking the supervax, any of the other genocide jabs or any jab, for that matter. The one thing I take from all this is that I have been lied to and used as a lab rat ALL MY LIFE. Somebody owes me and owes me really big!
Whatever is said, I am not taking the supervax, any of the other genocide jabs or any jab, for that matter. The one thing I take from all this is that I have been lied to and used as a lab rat ALL MY LIFE. Somebody owes me and owes me really big!
Whatever is said, I am not taking the supervax, any of the other genocide jabs or any jab, for that matter. The one thing I take from all this is that I have been lied to and used as a lab rat ALL MY LIFE. Somebody owes me and owes me really big!
i'm w u , brother ЁЯдН