Did you serve in the Military like Derek? Did you read Derek’s 700 page document? Did you read all of Trump’s Executive Orders? Do you know anything about Military Law? Do you know why GITMO was expanded? Do you know who has been in the Cheyanne Military Complex since 2019? Do you know who the Commander In Chief is and how many men he commands? Have you seen how many military planes are up daily? Do you know how many sealed indictments there are? How long has the US been under Military Occupation? Who asked President Trump to run as President? Do the research.
Be a nicer person. Do the research instead of putting other people down. End of discussion.
Lol 👍 I didn't put anyone down. Anyone's feefees hurt by what I said that's their problem and they should put on their big girl panties.
Did you serve in the Military like Derek? Did you read Derek’s 700 page document? Did you read all of Trump’s Executive Orders? Do you know anything about Military Law? Do you know why GITMO was expanded? Do you know who has been in the Cheyanne Military Complex since 2019? Do you know who the Commander In Chief is and how many men he commands? Have you seen how many military planes are up daily? Do you know how many sealed indictments there are? How long has the US been under Military Occupation? Who asked President Trump to run as President? Do the research.